What is your general opinion about Las Vegas?

  1. Gross and don’t like it if I wanna gamble I’ll go to Laughlin like the old folks do

  2. It’s fun to visit but I don’t think I’d like staying there for long. I’m 21 but I can’t see anything more to do there besides drink, gamble, and be impulsive so it’s like a one and done type of thing lol

  3. I’ve been, it’s mildly entertaining but I’m not lucky enough to gamble and don’t have the cash to blow on going to all of the shows and stuff. I still plan on going there to get married if I ever marry again.

  4. It was fun in my 20s, but now I’m too old for that shit. It is not my scene anymore.

  5. Overrated and expensive.

    You can definitely see some cool shows, day drink by the pool and get tan, and walk a lot to see all the hotels on the strip. I am not a club or gambling person so it loses its novelty quickly.

  6. I have never been there… As it’s a scene I have never been drawn to, but I hear ppl who enjoy the hustle and bustle of that lifestyle but are also more calm, would prefer visiting somewhere like New Orleans… Music/gambling and history WOW… Now that is a state I have been to and would be back again…

  7. Seeing it once is enough, but from my location it is a useful place to get direct cheap flights to and then drive to other places from there. Also if you just want to easily get some sun and warmth in the winter.

  8. I have no interest. I don’t drink or gamble so not much sense in me going. I’ve heard some good things about various shows that go on there but not enough for me to travel there. Honestly don’t know much else about it besides it’s in the desert.

  9. I have no interest in going because I rarely drink and I don’t gamble. I also don’t attend clubs and bars.

    When I think of Vegas, I think of a wild, night out with the friends. A place to drink and party more than usual.

    Despite my no interest, I am actually going next year as a family trip. 😂

  10. Went there on a girls trip and found myself doing the most questionable stuff there. Hubby wouldn’t sleep if he knew.

    I’d say it’s solely my fault but I feels like the place encourages such behavior from anyone there and is not good for much else.

  11. I’ve never been, my parents went and said everything was really expensive, but old Vegas was cool

  12. Party town, used to visit more when I was in my early-mid 20s, time at the pool, cheap housing, gets super hot/gets super cold, and of course gambling & buffets!

  13. It’s not my type of place. I’ve only been there when I was booked to teach or perform for an event there. The hotel/casino venues were nice. The hotel rooms I stayed in were lovely and the hotel amenities were generally good. I’m not a huge fan of massive crowds, gambling, or the intense sun/broiling heat, so I mainly did my teaching/performances and then went out on free evenings to go out to dinner or explore inside the different casinos in the areas where there were fewer people (though still very overcrowded for my preferences).

    It’s not appealing for me, but I can definitely see where it would appeal to people with different preferences. I did enjoy myself, but it’s not someplace I would choose to go for a vacation.

  14. An adult playground 🎡🥳 ! Husband and I went together for the first time and had a blast. We’re not into the club scene or gambling either…found a lot of neat interesting things to get into and we’re looking forward to going again and checking out more. Plus it helps we’re both Raider fans!

  15. Stinks like cigarettes, but my best friend loved it. I would go back just to relive some of those memories I had with him. He would’ve wanted me to do brunch, catch a show, and hit up the blackjack tables.

  16. I live in Las Vegas.

    My general opinion as a person who lives here is that Vegas is full of opportunity.

    You want to have ox tail soup at 3am? There a place that’s open? How about skydiving on a Tuesday? We’ve got that too. Trying to better your life and go to school? We have tons of options of things you can learn and do, and night school too! Want to be eccentric and weird, there’s loads of like minded people. Want to praise whoever you call your God? We have every religion’s massive church accessible everywhere.

    Las Vegas may be known worldwide as a party city meant for debauchery and hedonism, and it is. But we have a wide range of opportunities here. Be hedonistic, try to grow your wealth, learn something, play a sport, find God, Mountain climb, whatever it is, Vegas has got it.

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