(M27). So there is this girl (W24) I’ve been getting to know recently, she is very my type of girl. I wouldn’t say she is a high-value woman but for sure she is close to it. When we met for the first time she mentioned she had a boyfriend, which is ok, I am used to it at this point. Had the hots for her in the begging when we first met but my self-preservation instincts kicked in real fast and I stopped myself from catching feelings. I thought that this is going to be just the most recent random woman with a boyfriend I meet. But we actually clicked a lot and have been spending a lot of time together recently and have been getting to know each other. I wouldn’t say it is in any way romantic or anything, Idk she is just a cool person to be around and she is fun to talk to and she seems to think the same for me as she is the one who has been initiating going out ( I proposed maybe once and she maybe like 6 times). The more I get to know her the more I see how she sees things, her values, and her world views, her interests and to be frank, they are very similar to mine and we have a lot of things in common. I am starting to think from a rational point of view that we would be a good match but to be honest I don’t plan on medaling in her relationship in any way, shape, or form. I don’t brake nobodies happiness, the same way I don’t want anybody to break mine. She seems to be in love with him but has been mentioning that they have been fighting a lot and that they don’t have anything in common but doesn’t give any indications of wanting to separate with him. That’s fine, her business. So the more I look at it, the more I am thinking that maybe I would play the long game here. ( I usually don’t do such things due to the “friendzone” risk) but I’ve been in similar situations and know how not to trap myself there. I much prefer to wait it out until they separate and then shoot my shot, rather than shooting my shot now and risking not having a shot in the future. I don’t plan on sitting and waiting for her of course, I’ve been dating (only dating, no exclusivity) and seeing other people but from all weman I’ve met in the past 1 year, she seems to be the best match for me. Does anybody here have similar stories, situations they can share with a positive ending and how did you make it, or any advice in general, you can give me here? Would be nice to see other people’s similar stories. Best to you all!

1 comment
  1. Recommend against waiting for a woman who is coupled. Just… Not a good move imo.

    I know this isn’t what you want to hear.

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