What is one thing you would add to your favorite sport to make it better?

  1. A governing body with the authority to split the schools up into fairly equitable conferences with a focus on maintaining regional rivalries.

  2. Not have the nfl refs do instant replay or make decisions regarding instant replay. Sky judge and rules officials give the ref an official ruling, ref relays said ruling. No need to stop play for 10 minutes on obvious things

  3. I’m all good with the sport, but sometimes I wonder how football games would be without field goals and PATs

  4. They should add a bat boy position to football. His job is to sit in the announcer’s booth and hit them with a bat whenever they say something stupid.

  5. Would love to see if they tried to work a tranquilizer gun into football or baseball

  6. Basketball:

    1) get rid of the taunting foul rules

    2) 2 free throws for opposing team if you get called for diving

    3) bring back hand checking

    4) mic’d up coaches or floor generals – uncensored

    5) more room and padding behind the net. I think you’d have more explosive drives and fast breaks if players didn’t have to worry about flying to camera men etc

  7. I don’t really watch sports but I imagine something like American football or rugby but everyone had kendo sticks and they tackle and or sword fight each other

  8. Let basketball players fight. Stop the clock, call it an extra foul and time in the penalty box.

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