Hey thanks for taking time out of it. I have brutal anxiety to start with by my social anxiety is far worst. Not here to rant a bout that tho. It’s my bestfriend birthday party this weekend and I ovo have to go to it but I feel like puking on the thought of all the people and socializing. He goes to a different fernt school than me so basically zero mutual friends and the ones we do have arnt going. On top of that his sisters friends will be there. Any ideas on how to deal with the situation? Not to be brutally acward in a corner? Also everyone will be drinking and I will not as I stay sober as drinking worsens the situation. Thank you all!

1 comment
  1. Well there is no quick fix to deal with it if this are deep rooted problems. Usually a couple of light drinks can help ease tension alot. Everyone will notice someone standing alone in the corner and you will notice and feel even worse.

    You have to enter the party with a positive attitude, it is easier said than done but everyone is going there to have fun.

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