Should the US&Allies defend Taiwan incase of an Chinese invasion even if it means direct war with China?

  1. I don’t know. I don’t know nearly enough about the factors and stakes involved, but an all out war with China terrifies me.

  2. We’ve done so the last 3 times the Chinese tried it.

    Due to geopolitical fuckery, we have no formal defensive agreement with Taiwan, but there’s absolutely an under the table agreement in place.

  3. Yes. China has been invading and violently subjugating their neighbors without recourse. Taiwan is too important.

  4. Don’t get me wrong, I hope Taiwan (and Ukraine as well) can have flourishing democracies and protected civil liberties and be able to withstand
    aggressive and authoritarian foreign actors. But I don’t think my country should be involved in another war again regardless if people think it’s justifiable or not. Not only would it be costly financially but it would also cost the lives of possibly millions and millions of my countrymen if a conflict with another nuclear nation ensues. Although pax americana have benefited my country, it’s allies and it’s sphere of influence, it has also been viewed by some and even our allies as a form of neoimperialism specifically with the rise of anti-americanism in western europe. It’s also good to factor in why it’s our obligation to defend and build other countries after war when there’s a high possibility that no nation would probably do the same in regards to us.

    Maybe I’m naive when it comes to my non-interventionist take on things ala pre-ww1 and pre-ww2. But I rather my country get criticized for not doing anything like the Rwadan genocide vs Doing something and getting called imperialist, war monger and such.

  5. 90% of the most advanced micro chips are made in Taiwan, the US is never going to allow China to have that much economic power.

  6. We have pledged to defend Taiwan same as Australia and japan. I consider Australia our ride or die when it come to war so if they have committed then we need to honor our commitment too.

  7. No, I am personally not willing to be drafted into the army and fight China on behalf of Taiwan. Treat it like Ukraine, send them aid. But at the end of the day, it’s their battle to fight

  8. No, it’s an election year. We just got out of a 20 year war with nothing to show for it. We’ll sell them weapons but a direct intervention is out of the question.

    This will only effect us Americans and the rest of the world in making the chip shortage worse.

  9. Yes but I’d volunteer to go to help Taiwan regardless of if the US gets involved. I wouldn’t blame anyone for not wanting to be directly involved, but I know too many people living there not to feel compelled to come to their aid.

  10. Absolutely not. I don’t care what other countries do, but I don’t want to be drafted to fight in a civil war that’s been going on since before my grandparents were born.

  11. Yes.

    People forget how Germany started WWII… or why Russia thought they could get away with invading Ukraine. Appeasement doesn’t work. Germany kept going until the brits and french were basically *forced* into war. Russia has “annexed” parts of neighboring countries before, and went back for another bite because they got away with the first two times.

    If China “gets away” with invading Taiwan, they’ll keep doing the same shit until war happens, and each time you let them, the stronger their position will be when things kick off.

  12. No endless warfare is one of the things ruining America. Sometimes people must step up and defend themselves.

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