So I have been best friends with one of my friends (f) we will call her Madi for about a year and we are inseparable and very close. She introduced me to two guys about a month and a half ago that she met at a bar and we have become a close group and hangout together very often. When I first met one of the guys we’ll call him Pat he was super into me and we made out a bit, slept in the same bed, but I declined his offer to sex. I told Madi about this and she just kind of laughed it off and it was no big deal and since then we haven’t had anything weird or like awkward the friend group has just been pretty much like normal. I have asked my friend Madi if she was interested in either of the guys and she has always denied being anything more then friends with them despite her flirting. Well last night my two guys friends and I went to a concert did some shrooms and were just fucked up and drunk afterwards. I ended up going back to their place and just dancing and vibing until late in the night. My one friend went to bed and it was just me and Pat laying on the couch dicking around and one thing led to another and I ended up in his bed and we had a very quick fuck and I rushed out of their this morning. I very much regret this I was just being drunk and stupid and he was being persistent. I don’t anticipate anything changing in our friend group dynamic wise but I am afraid to tell madi because I think she might be mad at me? I have had a lot of anxiety and regret about it this morning and I just don’t know if I should tell her now or wait and see how it plays out and eventually tell her what happened. I also want to have a conversation with Pat and just tell him that I am not interested and we can chalk it up to a drunken night nbd, but also unsure if I should even do that. Any advice?

  1. This is none of anyone’s business but your own. Your friend said she’s not interested even, why are you making this such a huge deal? Calm down, two consensual adults are allowed a fuck.

  2. I doubt anyone is going to be mad about it. If you don’t want to bring it up don’t, your choice either way. If you don’t plan on going any further with pat you need to have a talk with him about it tho. If the only reason you have for not wanting to date him is because you don’t want to ruin a friendship or make things awkward between the group I’d say you should get over that and just take a chance at it tho

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