So let me get this straight….. I don’t believe in dinner scams and financially abusing men. At least not ones who don’t deserve it. But are bad exes fair play? I think they are 👿

Sometimes they gotta learn the hard way lol

  1. Upto you, a free dinner isn’t that big a deal…especially if you have to spend time with someone I don’t like. Would rather go spend time with someone I actually want to be around

  2. It really depends how expensive the dinner is. If it’s a $20 meal girl skip it. If it’s fine dining, then YES lol

  3. Don’t do this. More drama will ensue. Just wash your hands of if and move on

  4. Chances are you won’t enjoy dinner with a rude person anyway, so it’s really not a good idea.

  5. Naw, lying to and deceiving people for personal gain is wrong it doesn’t matter if they’re good or bad people.

  6. If someone is a “bad ex” I would assume I would enact the “no contact rule” which means blocking phone numbers/email addresses, unfriending in social media, and avoiding places they frequent.

    In order to move on you have to *want to* let go

    Essentially, my time is too valuable to be wasting it with anyone who did me dirty.

    ***”We don’t walk away to teach people a lesson. We walk away because we finally learned ours.”*** – Unknown

    ***”Dating is primarily a numbers game…. People usually go through a lot of people to find good relationships. That’s just the way it is.”*** – Henry Cloud

    Best wishes!

  7. Do what you want to do. I don’t condone returning to exes, especially if you lost feelings and it will be a waste of your time but whatever it’s your life lol

  8. Why would you want to spend another second of your life with someone like that? It’s not worth the free dinner

  9. Why on earth would you want to be around such a person? A free meal is in no way worth the shit company.

  10. You sound a bit toxic yourself if you’re asking such a question. I would never hang out with somebody I didn’t like to get a free dinner

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