What’s the earliest major historical event you can remember happening?

  1. Princess Diana dying.

    Legit thought my brother was lying when he woke me up to get me to join mum and dad in front of the TV. Still have pictures of our trip to lay flowers at the gates.

  2. I didn’t pay super close attention to news as a kid but I remember around the time that Obama was elected president pretty well. All of the kids would get into verbal fights based on their parent’s political beliefs since we were all six to seven year olds and didn’t actually understand anything.

  3. I have some memories of 9/11 but I think more so of my parents watching the documentaries that came out about it like a year later. I very clearly remember the Indonesian tsunami in 2004, that was the first thing that was really discussed in school back in the day.

  4. The US invading my country. It might not have been a relevant event in the scheme of things but it was a pretty dark moment in our history. Im from Panamá, we are tiny, but we have the Canal.

  5. I clearly remember the first Gulf War. I remember the night vision recordings of the bombs falling at night and my Dad telling me what was going on.

    Which is weird, as I’m not American nor Iraqi or Kuwaiti.

  6. I clearly remember the first Gulf War. I remember the night vision recordings of the bombs falling at night and my Dad telling me what was going on.

    Which is weird, as I’m not American nor Iraqi or Kuwaiti.

  7. Maybe Jon-Benet Ramsey? Not the event itself, but I remember passing the magazines in the store that had her face plastered over them. Otherwise, Princess Diana. My mom taped the news coverage for her mom, who lived in Holland (we’re in Canada)

  8. I vaguely remember the Bill Clinton scandal. Blow dress. What the definition of “is” is…. Vague shit. I know more about it, but my memories are very vague.

    9/11 is clear as fucking day, though.

    **That should say blue* dress, but I’m not fixing it.

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