So I’ve been seeing this girl for about a month now. We always have a good time when we go out and she’s always keen to do something else afterwards. I’ve noticed recently though she’s been a bit different when texting. She takes way longer to respond than she used to, she rarely makes an effort to continue the conversation when she does reply (which I get can be difficult over text if you run out of things to say), and the tone of her messages just feel a bit cold (no longer sending emojis when she used to do it often etc). I’m just confused because it’s been like this for a couple of days now, does this usually happen or is something wrong? I’m worried I’ve upset her but I don’t remember saying anything that could’ve done that. Maybe I’m just overthinking it and being paranoid but I’m not sure.

TLDR Should I leave it with her to set up the next date because it just feels like she’s not as interested anymore and I feel I’m the one putting in the most effort lately

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