Do you believe in divine intervention? Why or why not?

  1. Not directly because that would go against the idea that God gave us free will.

  2. Wouldn’t say it was god or not, but definitely some glitch in the matrix.

    I was drinking with friends, and friends of friends. We had a designated driver who was my friends friend, so I didn’t know him, but he seemed cool. It came time to leave the party, and it was me, my friend, the friend of a friend, and the designated driver. We got in the car and I just felt like something was off. I got out of the car and my friend asked what was wrong, and I just didn’t feel right, my head was pounding. I told him I’d go back inside for some water and I’d just call an Uber home later. He said nah, I’ll stay with you and told his friends to leave. We took the Uber and got back to our place, and passed out. The next morning we check our phones, and there’s missed calls and texts. Turns out the designated driver had been drinking at the party, sped around a tight corner, flipped the car, and killed himself and the friend of a friend.

  3. I believe that there’s no point in believing or not believing, because in our lives we probably will never found out for sure. It doesn’t matter too much anyways.

  4. I don’t believe in god so no. Miracles can definitely happen though but I don’t believe they are the result of a god or gods.

  5. I didn’t see any good reason to believe in any of those 4000 gods so I don’t believe in divine intervention

  6. Do I believe that things go my way more than not? Absolutely yes, but then maybe it’s just that there are too many ways I can get to the right place. Either way, I definitely am luckier than I should be so divine intervention it is.

  7. No, for the same reason I don’t believe in ghosts, psychic powers, or time travel: there’s simply no evidence of it. If someday we have observable, repeatable evidence that can’t be explained by known phenomena, then I will reassess my beliefs.

  8. No. Ever notice how religious athletes never blame God for the ball not going in the hoop? Weird though pattern…

  9. I don’t, because I don’t believe in a divine power, to intervene.

    Even if there is one, it’s neither predictable or reliable, so it’s pointless to look to it.

  10. Depends on how you define divine intervention.

    Do I believe that a race of people, far beyond our understanding, not originating on this planet, somehow seeded life on this planet and that life resulted in us? That is a non-zero chance.

    Is this divine intervention? Is this believing? Define your terms.

  11. Yes, but I don’t rely on it.

    Those fuckers have different priorities from me.

  12. No. That would require something divine to do the intervening to exist in the first place.

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