Men of Reddit; what is the nicest way you have been rejected after you asked someone out?

  1. They’ve all made me want to stand in a puddle of water and stick my hands in my fuse box

  2. Well, she did go out with me for a couple weeks. But then she clearly explained that she wasn’t sure she wanted to be in a romantic relationship with me and why.

    She was honest and clear about how she felt and I still appreciate her for that. We stayed friends for a few years but I lost touch with her eventually.

  3. “Your Grace, it saddens my heart that it is my duty to politely reject your very gracious offer”.

  4. Wow. Great question. I have a otherwise excellent memory, but have no recollection of ever had a woman saying no to a date. I remember lots of women saying “no” on a date, but that is different.

    Perhaps the key is that I have never asked a woman to go on a date that I hadn’t already had significant conversations with. A date was pretty a natural follow up to the interaction we already had.

  5. She explained it without burying me. She liked me but not her type and explain what she was after. Was I was yeah. But didn’t put me down hard lol

  6. “No”.

    Said plainly, without emotion.

    10/10 comparatively to other rejections. I’ve given up.

  7. There isn’t really a nice way, just a best way: clear and timely. Let me know ASAP that it’s never gonna happen so I don’t waste time and can move on with confidence. It stings, but it’s easiest to move on from.

  8. I had a girl I hooked up with a couple times. So I got into a relationship. It ended. So go back to my phone and text girls that I thought would be easy rebound lay.

    So she laughs and says, “Oh you’re single now huh?” But she says she has a bf now, so sorry, not giving me any. However, she had a friend that stopped by the other day saying it had been too long since she got laid and she’d ask if she could give me her number.

    Girl said yes. I hit her up. Totally cute Latina girl. She came over. We ended dating for like six months.

  9. A straight, up-front “absolutely not.” Immediately it was harsh but then she explained why and how she viewed our connection. She later checked in with me to make sure I was ok. I’d rather someone be upfront than beat around the bush and lead me along.

  10. She gave me a radiant smile and blushed a little, then proceeded to turn me down anyway. She couldn’t hide how flattered she was though and that made me smile. Later learned that she was engaged to be married (no clue why she didn’t mentioned it then and there but I digress).

    It’s all about showing me that the gesture itself didn’t come off as creepy, threatening or disgusting. That’s where the sting comes from.

    In fact, I believe if a woman is rude or mean on purpose when rejecting, she doesn’t deserve to be approached anyway and by anyone. Most women don’t have the spine to do it themselves, why discourage the guys who actually do?

  11. Women don’t usually reject directly. They either offer friendship (which they don’t really intend on being friends) or they ghost.

    The only direct rejection I’ve ever gotten was from a woman that I wasn’t even interested in and never communicated interest toward.

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