I have been denied a proper life because social norms are toxic at best and I am intimately aware of this fact. I have vocal volume issues, vocal speed issues, vocal tone issues, and I keep being told I am the problem for not reading my audience.
None of the above is even remotely part of the problem the problem is Rapport it is literally structured in such a way where those who have as many weaknesses as myself when communicating will never succeed socially. Allow me to elaborate if I manage to handle my volume, rate of speech, vocal tone and vocabulary use optimally I immediately violate Rapport since the largest part of it is ease of communication and by definition I have literally just put more effort into that communication then is reasonably expected of any person everywhere and If I don’t put that much effort in I fail Rapport since it isn’t possible for the audience which is the definition of a lose-lose dynamic.

None of the above considers the fact I am the dictionary definition of a Nerd, and have ADHD. The fact I am a Nerd and have ADHD is just another dynamic that complicates the above since I also don’t perceive things the way society does.

I am worried I am doomed to a life of unsuccessful solitude due to the importance of Rapport and all documentation I find only reinforces this realization. What I really want is a way to use Rapport while being perpetually different. Lastly no I am not trying to avoid putting in the effort to improve I am posting this because I have fixed my issues and that is how I noticed the lose-lose nature of the issue, as by fixing the issue I was given less grace since there were no obvious issues but I was still treated as unable to establish Rapport probably because it was anything but easy.

Yes I am aware I should make the title an attack at the idea of Rapport but that doesn’t fit either as I want to understand how to use it in my situation since like it or not it is a requirement to a happy life.

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