I started talking to him about 2 months in now and we meet daily, do normal things you’d do in a relationship – even went on a weekend trip together and met his friends. He went away for a trip with friends a week ago and I found out from a friend that he got back on a dating app while he was on the trip. I asked him once if he wanted to keep things casual and be FWB instead but he declined. On another hand, he told me relationship/dating is not on his mind right now. However, I’m looking for a relationship. The thing is that we’ve only known each other for 2 months. Is it too early to tell him that if he doesn’t want to see where this goes or to keep things casual then we shouldn’t see each other anymore?

  1. If he’s still on apps and telling you that he doesn’t want a relationship, listen to him. You have his attention at the moment but he’s actively looking for someone else. I’d say try talking to him again and make it clear what you want. If he still isn’t on board, leave him.

  2. I think 2 months is a totally appropriate time to have the relationship talk, especially if you’re seeing one another every day. And if he doesn’t want a relationship now is the time to get out before you fall in love and get yourself hurt.

  3. I think two months is enough time in general to bring it up. But how long ago was it that you first asked him if he wanted to be casual/fwb, and he declined? Honestly I’m pretty confused, so he said he didn’t want to be causal and/or FWB, but also being in a relationship/dating isn’t on his mind.. so what exactly are you two doing right now? Just texting and hanging out as friends?

  4. He wants YOU to be exclusive while he fucks around and sees if there’s anyone else out there. You deserve better; dump him and move on. Advice from a guy.

  5. What do you mean by “doing relationship things”? Have you communicated that you wish him to get off the apps? Have you communicated that your feelings about him are that you want to be exclusive with him?

    I think one of the main issues with cis het dating is hidden expectations and “progression” without communication.

  6. Are you having intercourse? Is he on a dating app? Than you are casually his fwb even if he doesn’t want to label it

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