TLDR; F26 is going out with M22 and she thinks he is playing games with her

So basically, there is a guy who I have been going out on a few dates. He is quite flirty and fun to be around but I am not sure if he is serious or not. But after meeting him for the 3rd time, he started hinting me that he wants to pursue a step further with me. He is nice and attentive, we text everyday and everything is fine. But all of a sudden, he started to leave my last message before night unreplied. It happened for about 3 days in a row and then he asked me if I have issues with that. I would not bother those things normally but it feels like he is doing this on purpose, which is making me quite angry. I don’t want to lash out the anger yet I want to handle it quite wisely.

  1. Tell him, yes it bothers you. And if he does it again on purpose, say no more, walk away.

  2. If you want to handle it wisely, tell him you are losing interest in the relationship, because he doesn’t seem to have the regular communication skills you look for in a partner, but you wanted to let him know, so he would have a chance to work on that while you still have some interest in him.

    Treat people as if they are sincere and not playing games. It messes with game players and drives them away, which is good, and works well with people who are not playing games. If you always act as you should in a healthy relationship, the people who stick by you are less likely to be toxic people.

  3. Maybe he just falls asleep texting and was asking if it’s a problem to chekc it wasn’t making you feel bad?

  4. People only play games if you participate.

    Don’t get hung up on him not responding right away. People have lives and other priorities. They’re not going to always be there to respond right away.

    Keep your options open. Unless you’ve had a talk about being exclusive and agreed that you’re both heading in the same direction, don’t put all your eggs in this one bucket.

  5. “Have issues with what? I’m not sure what you mean.”

    If what he means is “I fall asleep early and answer texts in the morning” that’s fine imo. If what he means is along the lines of “I’m busy doing other things and you’re not a priority” probably not ideal for a serious relationship.

  6. Just be honest, without lashing out. If you don’t like being left on read say so. He may be testing you, who know but at least he asked how you felt about it instead of waiting for you to react. Answer honestly. Communication is the key to successful relationships. I’m not sure what this test would prove though, if you find out it’s purpose please enlighten us, I’d love to know what the hell he’s thinking lol

  7. I’d wait until you see him in person, then sit him down and ask him;

    “What’s been going on the last few nights with your text messages?”

    Wait for a reply. Maybe he has a good explanation and when he gives it to you you’ll realize you misunderstood his tone. That he was genuinely noticing his habit had changed, and genuinely texting to ask if that was okay with you. Maybe something else is true- it’s nice to give him the benefit of the doubt.

    Assuming there is no such answer, push;

    “I did notice the change, but it wouldn’t have bothered me, except then you asked if I had issues with that, which felt like you might have been looking for a specific reaction?”

    Then give him another chance to give a good explanation. But if he just stammer stutters denials at you, then you’re at;

    “Why are you playing games with me?”

    His answer will tell you what you should do next.

  8. Just to clarify is he not saying goodnight to you or is he just ignoring your message but staying up for hours

  9. Honestly I think you sound a bit irrational. I’ve known plenty people to do that and I’ve done that myself. He was asking if you have a problem with that since he’s probably had someone bring that up to him in the past, and it’s already getting a response from you. Everyone just isn’t glued to their phone, relax. If you’re already getting angry over little things after a few dates, you two probably aren’t very compatible.

  10. I would be honest:

    Not normally, but it feels as if it’s intentional. Is it? Are you testing me?

  11. This concept of all text messages having to have a reply is maddening for some people. It’s a constant tether. You have only been in a handful of dates, give it space.

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