Women of reddit what are some of your worst catcalling experiences?

  1. I was 11 years old, and I was out front weeding the garden for my mom. I wore my purple flower T-shirt and some jeans. A car full of grown men pulled up to our front yard. They started saying some disgusting things to me, saying what they wanted to do with my body. Then, they peeled off laughing.

    I remember hugging myself and crying while walking into the house. After that, I did anything and everything to hide my body.

  2. I was probably 14, my dad dropped me off at the city library cause I had an art class I needed to go to a couple hours later, and he still had to work. I was wearing Jean shorts and a Bantu with a denim jacket cause we were recording a video in the class and I was assigned the color blue. There was a lot of homeless people outside of the library cause it was downtown, but when I walked inside there was a group of men sitting on some benches and one of them started cat calling me. I got super scared and just decided to ignore him, when he saw that I wasn’t responding to what he was saying he started cursing at me. So I walked into the bathroom. I was especially spooked cause there were so many people around who did absolutely Nothing about it. I was scared to leave the bathroom. I started trying to make my shorts longer and buttoned up my jacket. I probably stayed in there for 15 minutes trying not to cry. Thank god when I went out the group of men were gone.

  3. When I was either 14 or 15 an older man kept making inappropriate comment to me during the bus ride, when I needed to get off he decided to try to prevent me from leaving. That was the first and only time I’ve pulled a knife out on a man and I’d do it again.

  4. I was 16 and an old man cat called me, and then took off his pants in front of me…

  5. When I was 12 I was walking to my cousins house from the beach (alone), which wasn’t too far away. Some guys pulled up in a car and started screaming disgusting sexual things to me and just being loud and scary, they looked to be in their late 20s maybe?

    They drove past and would repeat that for about 5 times before I started running. They obviously thought it was funny and chased me before they’d had enough and left. I was crying while I ran the rest of the way to my cousins house. 😕

  6. A guy cat called me in a Target parking lot. I told him off, he called me a bitch and I walked in to shop. 45 minutes later, when I left, I noticed a car following me. I drove all over town (anywhere but my house), and the car followed me turn for turn. I finally pulled into the police station, and the car drive past me in the parking lot before speeding off. It was the same dude.

  7. At one job I was at, my boss (a man about 40 years older than me) stood outside the ladies’ restroom while I was in there, and when I came out, he asked me what I was doing in there to take 20 minutes, and I could see that he had an erection. The truth was that I wasn’t feeling good, so I wanted to make sure I could work before I left the restroom. I quit on the spot.

  8. When I was leaving a bar in Cambridge last year to go home. A man yelled at me, I did not understand much of what he said to me because I am learning English but it was about my body and he call me sexy. When I ignore him he start to follow me. All I could do was run to my house and hope that he did not catch me. I made it home but I think he was very close behind me when I lock the door

  9. I was going to a huge Halloween party in college. I was dressed as Wonder Woman with a cute costume. Honestly it wasn’t even slutty (not like that matters). Some drunk asshat ran by me in the parking lot and cat called me and then just reached under my skirt and molested me.

    If I could go back I would have ran after him and taken pics and told people and warned people. But I was so shocked that I didn’t know what to do.

    *I also think it’s incredibly sad that all of these so called cat calling incidents turned into violent acts of aggression. Sexism is still very alive today and men need to understand *this* is why we’re so guarded.

  10. My literal first day of college, walking to class, a car with a guy in it yelled “Call me!” and drove past. The car came by again and tried to slow down and roll a window down to talk to me, so I said “Leave me alone!”. He threw an open bottle of Fanta at me and soaked me. I didn’t have time to go back to my apartment to change clothes before class :/

  11. I was 17, it was summer and I was walking to the supermarket. Plenty of drivers honked on me just because I was wearing some shorts…

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