What is the strangest thing a child has said to you?

  1. My daughter choked on a piece of steak one time when with her father. She told me about it when she got home. She was 3. He was outside smoking when it happened. She told me that, then said don’t worry mommy god saved me. I said why would you say that? She said because god told me to tell you so. Absolute chills. Neither I or her father have brought god up to her before. It was crazy

  2. Oooh I got one. My dad passed away when I was at the very end of 19. At the time I was in college and I worked at a preschool. I have 2 stories.

    The first was after my bereavement. I returned to work and a little boy (think around 3-4) came up to me, the day after I returned, and pointed at my necklace and said “your dad” and I said what? And he said your dad and smiled and gave me a big hug. It was the silver coin necklace my dad wore into the hospital a few months prior that was a returned item after he passed. The kid didn’t know that. I had to walk away after to breathe.

    The next was months and months later, when I switched to the second preschool I worked at. I was with 3 year olds. I was giving them lunch at the table and one little girl smiled at me, pointed at the corner, and said “X’s dad is here.” It was my nickname. I thought maybe I misunderstood, since she was 3, but no child in the room had a name anywhere near mine and nobody at all had my nickname. So I asked her to repeat it. She was just staring in the corner and smiling. She said “X’s dad is here”. I said who’s dad? And she said “X’s daddy”. I know clear as day she said my dad’s nickname for me. I also always called my dad “daddy” growing up.

  3. In the 4th grade I brought in my grandfather. Yup, my grandpa. He told jokes and did these really cool whistling tricks. Looking back on it, that was probably strange.

  4. “I found a dead body at the playground. I don’t know what to do now. Can you help me?” The dead body was the body of a baby deer that had probably been hunted down by a fox and almost completely eaten as well. That’s what it’s like living next to a forest.

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