My story goes like this:

– I start working with this guy on a project at work. It was during the covid pandemics so we only work via Teams. It was so weird that I could feel the chemistry between us via calls, we were smiling and laughing although most of our calls were not even on video.

– The project finishes but then we return to work in the office one day per week. I meet him and wow such an a chemistry. We both look and smile at each other the whole day although we work in different departments and there’s a big distance between us. We simply can’t stop staring at each other.

– I add him on Instagram he accepts within seconds. We start liking photos reciprocally (he looks single on social media and posts frequently)

– I go to a company sponsored event and boom. He’s there with his gf. I find out they’re a couple for over a year and living together.

– I realize I can’t make a move and I have to respect his relationship. But then he gets flirty. He brushes off my shoulder and smiles, he comes and rubs my shoulders occasionally and smiles at me. He starts liking every single story of mine on Instagram and occasionally replying to some of them sliding slowly in my DMs. We start chatting occasionally but nothing serious and never a proper conversation just replying things like “such a nice place” “hahaha” to memes and things like this.

– I go to another company event (a 2day events basically 2 parties in 2 consecutive evenings) and he’s again there with his gf. Before this we had a short chat (on the phone not in text) in which I’ve told him I’m going there and he was super friendly and flirty saying things like you better not be late haha it’s gonna be fun and stuff like this. I go there and initially he comes to me and he’s very chatty. Then we go separate ways. I post 2 photos on my story and he immediately opens them and uses that heart reaction on both. Around midnight I message him that I need his charger to which he replies that he doesn’t have one but I could use my charm at the bar and get one. I reply around 3am “it worked haha”.

– Next day at the event he’s there with his gf and he makes some weird jokes about the charger obviously meant for his gf to hear. I realize that she knows about my messages. I stay with them for a bit (30 min or so) and dance around them with another female coworker and they were kinda friendly to me. I dance very close to his gf that night so that he can see both of us and at some point he was stuck dancing between the two of us.
He’s no longer flirty and acts very cold.

– For around a week he doesn’t even open my stories, he no longer replies or likes them.

– Recently he started opening them again and liking them but I went to the office and he said hi and high fived me, he did it differently. Usually he would hold my hand after that and would look into my eyes a few seconds. This time he did it like I was one of the bros. He managed to ignore me the rest of the time.

– At some point I ask him if he could help me with something on my laptop. He comes, keeps an obvious distance I felt so intimidated and I was trying to smile and look into his eyes but he had this poker face this whole time and then left. He’s usually a person who jokes a lot and very friendly with everyone.

What do you think that’s going on?

It’s weird because the chemistry between us was unreal but now seems just gone (and everything happened instantly). He’s back liking my stories now but that’s it.

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