first off: i know i’m stupid so don’t tell me it again 🙂

Me (F18) and my boyfriend (18M) decided i should take a emergency pill after having unprotected sex for literally 5 minutes a couple of days ago. i took one and the day after, me and my boyfriend had sex again without a condom this time for a bit longer. he didn’t cum in me. should i take yet another emergency pill? it’s been 2 days now. i don’t want to take too many of them if it isn’t needed.and i’m forcing him to buy condoms asap.

  1. The emergency pill isn’t effective in all situations. It’s not like regular birth control. I hope you’re open to getting pregnant

  2. I wouldn’t say you need another one. One Plan B can fuck with your cycle for long enough and delay ovulation for a lot longer than what’s written online. But Plan B does NOT work unless taken days before ovulation even begins. It’s not birth control, please be smarter about this next time.

  3. The two types of EC pills currently available within the US (not sure if that’s where you’re located, which is why I specify) are effective up to 5 days after unprotected sex, but the sooner it’s taken, the higher the efficacy. One thing to keep in mind is both are effective only for a specific weight range so if you are a human in a more petite or larger body, your efficacy may vary from what’s advertised. In general, you are likely to be covered by the EC pill you have already taken, but at a lower efficacy.

    What you may wish to consider, particularly since you and your partner enjoy the feel of unprotected sex, is an IUD. IUDs can also act as EC in terms of discouraging implantation (method is slightly different for EC use than for every month thereafter, but basic concept is the same), so if you were able to get an appointment soon it would benefit you now and in the future.

    I hope and assume you and your partner have already been tested for STDs and had conversations about risk factors, etc. If not, you’ll both want to get tested and have those conversations, particularly if you wish to continue engaging in fun activities without a barrier.

  4. Don’t take two. It won’t be effective after two days, it’s bad for you to take multiple times, and you already took one right beforehand.

    Just take pregnancy tests and start using condoms.

  5. Do not take another one, most likely the first will do the trick. It is highly advised to NEVER take two pills within a single menstrual cycle. And lady, get condoms, and use them.

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