Not necessarily what are you GOING to do tomorrow, just what you want to do. Although hopefully there is some overlap!

  1. I’ll go first:

    Realistically, I want to go grocery shopping. I am really low on some basic staples just because I haven’t made time to go get them. (Edit: this is still a reach goal bc I will prob not have time. Gonna see if I can get my roommate to go…)

    Unrealistically, I’d like to go visit my long-distance gf. Not sure when I’ll get the opportunity to do that but I’m hoping it’s soon. I really miss her.

  2. Tomorrow is work so that’s nothing amazing

    But Friday I am getting a massage and a haircut and then after the weekend I am going to a little private island for a holiday! Yippee

  3. I’d like to watch some anime, read some manga, and play videogames. If I’m lucky I’ll do a bit of one of them but I’d love to do all three.

  4. Sleep in. Lazily and mindlessly scroll social media while I get awake enough to make coffee and a breakfast sandwich. Mindfully scroll social media and catch up with my friends and daughters while I have breakfast. Move on to a crochet project and Netflix binge.

    Instead I have an appointment in the city at 9:30 that has my alarm set for 5:30 to get ready. Gross.

  5. Sleep in, but I live with a four year old so that’s not going to happen.

  6. I want to work out, go grocery shopping, crochet, practice piano, get my things ready for work the next day, and have a nice FaceTime date with my partner whose away for work right now

  7. What I want to do is get on a plane and go on vacation in Italy. Instead I’m going to get up early, exercise, work, make dinner, and read before bed as is my usual routine.

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