So I’ve (31f)been out of a toxic narcissistic relationship for a month or so he lied, cheated manipulated me the works. I’ve healed over the mental an emotional pain he caused me but ever since I’ve had no sexual desire to be with anyone an find it difficult to find “ sexual relief“ with myself. I’ve always been a very sexual person but after the brake up it all changed is this normal after this type of relationship??..

  1. Give urself some time to heal, it’s ok, we have many different types of thoughts in times like this

    Am happy from u, that u gathered the courage to leave a toxic relationship back of u

    Everything will be fine, till then try to focus on urself and enjoy the life to it’s extent

  2. Might be the situational depression you’re going through. It’s normal. Give it some time and you’ll be right back to yourself

  3. We’ll, since it’s only been a month, It makes sense that your mind is a bit distracted. Narcissistic relationships do a lot of damage to a person’s state of mind. So just give it time. I think you will pull through this and be back to normal in no time. I hope anyway. Good luck 🤞

  4. Not sure if it’s the norm, but it was about a year for me. I was a giant mess and basically terrified of people.

  5. I’ve definitely been where you are. So happy for you for getting out of that relationship, it’s definitely the hardest step!

    I also have issues finishing if I’m not in the right state of mind. Focus on other things that make you happy or try something new that you’ve been wanting to do. You’ll get there in time.

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