Are your religious (if so then what religion)?

  1. Nope. Grew up in a mainline protestant household but have no use for it as an adult.

  2. I attended Anglican/Episcopal churches for years, but haven’t been a regular churchgoer in some time, although I still broadly identify with the Christian tradition. My spiritual outlook today is also heavily informed by 12-step stuff, since it saved my life, among other influences. I think religions in general are really fascinating, even (or perhaps especially) when I disagree with some of their tenets.

    (Edits to clean up my late night post.)

  3. I’m Catholic, but I don’t practice or really even “believe.” I acknowledge it as part of my cultural heritage (Irish Catholic) and that’s it.

  4. No. Culturally I’m both Japanese Buddhist and Christian as in I celebrate holidays, but I didn’t grow up practicing any religions and still don’t.

  5. grew up independent baptist. now, I’m the only atheist in my family. my wife isn’t religious, but identifies as buddist, because of her upbringing. we have three kids. we tell ‘em that we (mom and dad) don’t believe in any gods/deities, per se, but many people do.

  6. Raised Lutheran, but go to a non-denominational church now. I’d say I’m a “biblically-based Christ follower.”

  7. My mom’s whole family is Catholic, but she was raised way out in the country right by a Baptist Church. Grandpa said I ain’t driving this bunch into town every week; you are now officially baptist( this was back in the late 1930’s). Cup would be aghast.

  8. Used to be a Christian, but I stopped believing about a decade ago.

    I’m open to the idea of there being a god(s), but I doubt there’s any that I would worship.

  9. I’d probably be classified as religious, but I don’t like that word. I’m a devoted Christian, doing my best to live my life the way I believe Jesus wants me to live it.

    In evangelical circles, there’s a phrase that says something like “it’s not about religion. It’s about relationship – relationship with Jesus.” That can sound kind of corny, but it’s true.

    I’m not good about going to church, but I’m very serious about my relationship with Christ. I read the Bible, listen to Christian teachers and pray every day

  10. Not religious, not atheist

    In the literal sense, I’m agnostic, but I explicitly believe in an afterlife due to what I’ve read about near death experiences, and most people tend to associate agnostic with “unsure about the existence of anything beyond the physical” when the literal definition only pertains to God.

  11. Eh fuck it, I’m deleting this account in a week anyways. Raised Hindu and pretty much follow it today. Eat chicken and fish regularly though.

    Hinduism is pretty close to an ethnic religion like Judaism in the sense almost all followers can trace their ancestry back to India with a relatively small gap – it’s a bit hard to ignore, especially if you have a traditional name (which many Indians, even those born in the US, have). All Hindus eat rice, have way less meat consumption than Western cultures, and probably eat spicier than them too. Additionally a polytheistic, decentralized religion is just inherently easier to mold to modern society imo, shit like the planets and evolution are either built in or are never regarded.

  12. Protestant Christian, but don’t necessarily associate with any specific demoninations.

  13. Had catholicism shoved down my throat growing up. As an adult I’ve been athiest, Unitarian, quaker, now Presbyterian. Thinking of switching to an episcopal church as my current pastor is a manipulative dick.

    I need the community church provides, and I get an uplifting message on Sun morning to reset my week.

  14. I was raised Christian for the first 10 or so years of my life but honestly none of my family was ever super devout besides my grandparents.

    My dad went on to be extremely athiest. My mom, agnostic. She goes to a Unitarian church now. The rest of my immediate family is athiest, as is myself.

  15. I am spiritual and mostly follow Christianity, but me and organized religion had a messy divorce in my late teen years

  16. I can’t find an explanation for everything that the church of one faith or another says. The desire to believe in anything disappears

  17. Nah. Parents weren’t into it when I was a kid so it didn’t rub off. my dad got back into the church when I was a teenager, just some non-specific Christian denomination, but by that time it wasnt going to sway my own opinions.

  18. I’m a person of faith, an observant Episcopalian (America’s branch of Anglicanism, thus named after the Revolutionary War when nobody really liked the British). We’re liturgical, much like the Roman Catholics, but far more liberal with progressive views on women in in the priesthood, LGBTQ, and social issues.

  19. Personally none, but my whole family is hardcore southern Baptist. I’ve had to keep it secret around them for my own sake and there’s.

  20. Nope. I’m not religious at all. My parents were raised catholic and baptist, but decided to not raise us that way. We never went to church, we never did any ceremonies. We were raised in a more agnostic manner. “God is real but you should find your own ways to live that are good and will make him and yourself proud.” That kind of thing. Basically told us that we _should_ believe but the _how_ was our own choice to make.

    In the end, I found too many inconsistencies which made me think there was no way any of it was true. I’ve hidden it from most of my extended family since they are semi-serious about religion, but I’d be surprised if they thought I was a believer. At this point, religion plays no part in my life and the only time I ever even think about it with questions like this. Religion could be wiped from the planet tomorrow and my life would be no different.

  21. I’m a practicing Gnostic & Old Rite Russian Orthodox Catholic convert

    My father is nondenominational non-practicing Christian, and my mother is agnostic (used to be Christian, became agnostic after her mother’s death). My sister is Methodist (they offered her free wedding services).

    We grew up nondenominational non-practicing and borderline agnostic. The most religious thing we did was pray before a meal and get slapped upside the head for saying “oh my god” or “Jesus Christ”

    For a long time, I was agnostic, but found a way to Christ over my own personal journey and research

  22. Yes, Christian but I don’t agree with combining religion with politics so I don’t exactly go to church these days since the two are so muddled now a days.

  23. Midwesterner, am a wiccan pagan. I don’t practice as often as I used to, though.

    I did know someone who was an Astaru pagan from my area as well. He was a wild dude, practiced Blót and all.

  24. I’m Catholic, but not a very good one. What’s pleasure without a little transgression?

    A joke that always stuck with me goes something like this:

    A Catholic priest, a Protestant minister, and a Rabbi are all trying to get a bat out of a church. The Rabbi tries scaring the bats out with a broom, but it doesn’t work. The Protestant tries shooting the bats down, but misses and blows a hole in the roof. The Catholic baptizes and confirms the bats. Now they only come back on Easter and Christmas.

  25. I’m an atheist, but culturally Christian. I’ve been all around the Christian spectrum (Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox at various points in my life). I don’t believe in it, but I love discussing history/theology, listening to liturgical music, the Bible, reading the lives of the saints (especially the more outlandish ones), and observing various holidays and seasons.

  26. Cradle Catholic. Work at church. Last time I posted about that on Reddit I got about a dozen replies wishing me general failure at my job.

  27. Kind of? I’m Jewish and I keep all the holidays and some traditions. But I’m agnostic as well. Since we are an ethnoreligion I guess it’s more of a cultural thing for me. I love my culture but I don’t necessarily believe in the religious aspect of it.

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