How do you feel about mustaches coming back in style recently?

  1. I’m not too much of a fan, is bearable if it’s JUST a mustache but if it’s a beard or a beard with a mustache then it’s a hard pass

  2. I haven’t noticed. I think a guy can look good with a mustache, but I haven’t seen them as popular since the hipsters of the early 2010s were twirling them

  3. Recently? I noticed them coming back a decade ago when the hipster style was in full swing.

    Either way, they’re ok. Some guys can pull them off, others makes them look like a creep.

  4. I mean, I can definitely appreciate how cool they look on a guy, if they actually do. But it’s definitely not my thing if I were dating the guy.

  5. Not a fan of facial hair, so to me it is depressing. Others might be happy about it, though.

  6. I feel like this question was asked by someone young enough not to remember the chokehold that the mustache trend had on us in 2010

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