I don’t really know exactly why I love it but I really really love it when women “cream”/cum on my cock during sex. Maybe it’s because it’s physical proof that she’s really enjoying herself, or because it’s messy and noisy, or just a culmination of all those things. I know other guys who think it’s gross but I think it’s rad. I’ve had sex with women who get embarrassed by it but I always reassure them that I think it’s hot, which helps them relax and enjoy the moment more, thus leading to more cream. What’s not to love?

  1. That’s just lubrication. Not an indicator that’s she has cum. The more aroused she us, the more stuff…

  2. It’s not cum in the same sense as a man’s semen. Has nothing to do with orgasm and in a lot of cases even enjoyment. Most often relates to hormone levels and ovulation cycle.

  3. If you are talking about creamy or white lubrication, that is just vaginal lubrication based on cycle. It typically happened with my ex about a week before her period.

  4. It’s discharge that your dick pulled out the pussy.

    Quite possibly my favorite part during sex. I love eating my girls discharge.

  5. It’s also heavily influenced by hormones, which has nothing to do with arousal.

    Creaminess is generally present when ovulation isn’t.
    If she’s ovulating (also the time of the month she is most likely to be super aroused) it’ll be more slippery and egg-whitey*.

    Just so you know.

  6. Late-cycle discharge is thick and white. As far as I know, that’s all there is to it.

  7. I pity who dislike these obviously natural occurrences during sex or sexual acts. It’s like disliking natural moaning or erect nipple. It’s a natural bodily response to you being an arousing individual, you close-minded fools? Kudos for being a mature gentleman to your partners, brother. The world needs more of it, for sure

  8. I think pussy juice is clear but it gets all all beat like egg whites after a while of fucking. Idk if that’s true… that’s what I noticed

  9. It sounds like a funny comment, but fuck thank you for sharing that. Like you said, it can be an embarrassing moment and an ‘ahhhh… look away’. Thank you, I feel ten times better 😇

  10. I used to get 😳 with how extreme wet I’d get when I was aroused and I mean like dripping wet 🤣

    I’m much more comfort with my state of arousal nowadays after being with more than a few guys including my husband now who absolute finds it a big turn on 😉

  11. I’m always melting, always horny, always on the naughty list. Can’t help myself.

  12. You’ll love sex during a big thrush outbreak then 😂

    It’s not gross at all.

    It just doesn’t definitively mean she’s having an incredible time.

  13. Excess white creaminess is not in any way related to orgasm, but rather where a woman is at in her menstrual cycle. She’s probably ovulating if you see a lot more “creaminess” on you after sex. Just want to let you know so you don’t think your girl is lacking excitement if it isn’t there.

  14. Me too! I love it when I see hers on my cock I’m one of those guys that likes the taste

  15. You can easily tell if she is enjoying what you are doing for her … listen to her breathing to change and her (even) quiet monas of sighs … she will get wet and you should be able to feel and hear the wetness …. and yes some just release clear fluid and others its coloured.

    Both are normal and both mean she is having fun with you

  16. It’s a shame that some insecure men give so many women insecurities over something so hot as that.

    Make my dick a creamsickle.
    I love it.

  17. It’s awesome but in my experience and based on timing it usually means your partner is ovulating so don’t get TOO excited about it unless you want a crotch goblin in 36 weeks.

  18. Oh hell I love it!!!! like you said it’s a combo of them enjoying themselves it really gets me off.

  19. Does having a larger than average penis affect this? Because as a guy who is just a little less than average this is something I’ve never had happen with previous girlfriends.

  20. Most of the time it’s actually just a messed up pH-Level and not necessarily a “healthy” thing to cream very much. the whiter it gets the more sour it is. a very healthy pH will usually be more transparent and taste quite similar to male precum, so rather sweet.

  21. Hi this is me 🙋🏽‍♀️🤭 I thought most guys liked that. And I’m happy to see this is the case

  22. This reminds me of once I sucked it out of my girl and I had headache later. Is it normal?🥹

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