Should’ve just written, what if you get a nude that insults your core beliefs, whatever they might be? That would be more relatable here

  1. Well, since you’re asking me specifically: I’d probably ask her out. Sexy and sacrilegious are two things that go great together.

  2. That’s a question only you can answer really. If it bothers you then do something about it. If it doesn’t, then just ignore it/delete it.

    Not sure what country you’re in but in the UK there are laws that can be used in such circumstances.

  3. I don’t have a religion so that’s no problem with me. I’m also an edge lord and appreciate any sac religious actions she does regardless of the religion.

  4. Pfff very little of anything except reply that was not wanted ,you can’t cause others needless harm because of there foolishness with out braking other tenants can you, or should I say rather you should not

  5. I’d take a moment to remember that religion is make-believe. And then I’d be fine about it.

  6. Not a problem for me since I’m atheist. If she attacks that somehow with the nude then whatever, I’m sure I’ve heard worse.

  7. If this is how you wish to live then your only option is to avoid people that live differently and find people that get upset over the same things that upset you. You cannot change everyone you meet, but you can change who you meet with.

  8. Isn’t photography considered a sin in Islam? So, isn’t the image itself against your religion rather than what she’s doing in the image?

  9. Block her on social media. She clearly does not respect your boundaries.

  10. Consider that God is testing your faith , forgive her , continue with your daily life. Your beliefs shouldn’t be so fragile that a nude can disturb your mental peace.

  11. If she sends nudes unsolicited it would highly depend on our existing relationship. Getting nudes from a stranger or someone you have no interest in is fucking weird. Dunno how she would manage to insult my core beliefs by sending a nude but let’s just assume she does, just break it off more or less politely and be on your way.

    Also, mocks your religion? What even happened?

  12. Ahaha you must be trolling….those cant be problems 2022….oh wait you believe in stuff from < 1400…. I think thats where your problems form 😉

  13. If I am really in the mood, photoshop the nude, fap and move on. Lmao Hundreds of people who have hatred for my religion insult it all over the world every second. Unless you try to cause actual problems, You really think you are worth giving a fuck about? Lol

  14. Unsolicited nudes are a criminal offence.

    But fucking is practically required by my religion, so the whole situation is unlikely.

  15. Unsolicited nudes are becoming/have become illegal in the UK. Which is interesting, because I always figured that just meant unsolicited dick pics, but you’ve raised an excellent point here and I’ll remember you if I’m ever having the conversation.

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