What is a scent that gets you emotional?

  1. Going to sound strange, but the smell of a gas stove reminds me of my Grandmas on holidays and the oven always on while the family cooked

  2. Apple cider. Used to get hot cider and some donuts around Thanksgiving as a kid, it’s one of my best memories.

  3. Plumeria, because it’s the scent of climbing trees in my childhood.

    Mothballs, newspaper, and ink because they were the scents of my grandmother.

  4. White Shoulders, Jovan’s White Musk, Wind Song, Electric Youth or Egyptian Musk… all of those scents are my teen years in a bottle…

  5. There is a particular wine-scented hand cream that my mom used to send me when I was deployed, and if I ever smell it again (like at her house) it’s SO weird. It’s very associated to a particular time and place in my life (which was not a great one) and I don’t like that feeling lol

  6. l’aimant perfume

    My Nan wore it every day of her life as far back as I remember. She passed away just a couple of months ago and I can’t smell the perfume bottle of hers I decided to keep without getting choked up.

    Everytime I smell it, i’m immediately brought back to a time when I hugged her goodbye before she headed out for her taxi. I remember how she felt and how frail she seemed, how much her bones creaked as I hugged her.

    I dont know why i’m brought back to that random hug and not the last one. Maybe it was the last one before she went into the hospital and I just dont fully remember to say for sure. But that moment is solidified in my mind everytime I smell her perfume. Its nice to be brought back to a moment with her, but I wish I knew for sure when it was.

  7. Lilac. My Grammy has a few lilac bushes around her house that all bloom together in spring. There are white, pale purple, and deep purple ones. We’d always go out and cut some blooms together to put on the kitchen table. I always insisted on all three colors, and she obliged. I can’t smell lilacs without thinking of her.

  8. The mix of weed and eucalyptus. It sounds weird but my dad was an aging hippie who loved eucalyptus cough drops. Every now and then the air will smell like this and it gets me every time.

  9. Daffodils. My grandmother passed away years ago, on the day the daffodils bloomed. It was a beautiful day, bright and sunny, and those were her favorite flower. Whenever I smell them, or see them, I’m reminded of her in all the best ways.

  10. The warm apple cinnamon candle makes me want to puke because it reminds me of the way my moms house used to smell when I was a kid (I’m not sure why it gives that response but)

  11. the days of first sunshine in a year. reminds me of my first crush in school because i fell in love in early spring

  12. My boyfriend and the smell of fresh sawdust, also orange blossoms will always remind me of Africa

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