This year I started studying at college. I graduated from school with excellent grades. I always liked to learn and constantly seek the best version of myself.

I am a person with limited financial resources, so to achieve all this I had to, obviously, make much more effort than the rest. I never had much time to go out to parties with my friends or do other activities, much less to maintain a relationship and the truth is that I couldn’t find a girl who attracted me and who was my type.

One thing I was sure of was that I had made a commitment to myself to stay focused on my studies and not get distracted. Well, I didn’t even last a week. Although my intentions were to sit alone to concentrate better, a very pretty blonde girl with green eyes sits next to me and from there we start talking a lot, and I don’t usually talk much. I started helping her with her homework and clarifying all the doubts she had in class. She always wrote to me asking me to send her homework. I admit it, I started to grow fond of her.

Once we went to lunch with colleagues and I noticed that he kept looking at me. So what I did was stare at her suddenly hahaha, she got nervous, looked away, but she looked back at me and realizing I caught her, she smiled at me.

Some classmates were already bothering us because we almost always sat together😅. After a while a friend told me not to get my hopes up because she is probably just taking advantage of me and the truth is that she only wrote to me for academic matters. She once asked me to save a spot for her, but the “bad boy” (Spoiler: he dropped out of college .\_.) from the class invited her to sit with him. Then a friend noticed that and came to sit with me so I wouldn’t have such a bad time that day. From there I decided to distance myself a little more from her. I think she also realized that and the next few days she invited me again to sit with her, but I didn’t listen to her anymore. Even for exams she wanted me to sit close to her 😮

She studies in another career, so I was only able to share with her during the first semester. She is practically set on life because she comes from a rich family and our life philosophies are very different, she likes to party but I am more reserved, for example.

I see her sometimes at breaks and even though we don’t talk anymore, she looks at me a lot. I don’t know if that means anything, but I would like to know if this girl is good enough for me to come over and talk to her again or just let her go.

**TL;DR;** : I met a girl in college that I’ve grown a little fond of. She is set on life so we don’t share the same ambition and have different life philosophies. She often looks at me a lot and I’m not sure whether to go over and talk to her or just let her go since I don’t know if she’s good for me.

  1. If you really have to think about if she’s “good enough” I’d say….. No. You shouldn’t have doubt about simply pursuing someone.

    Don’t go after someone just because they give you some attention.

  2. I think you’re making a lot of assumptions about her, what she wants, and what she’s like…without actually talking to her about any of this. This post frankly sounds like you’re afraid of rejection and trying to talk yourself out of pursuing her. Just go for it and ask her out for a coffee/walk, what’s the worst that could happen? If she rejects you, that’s that, you’ll stop wondering about “what ifs”. If she accepts, things might turn out great. You won’t know unless you try, and you really don’t have anything to lose here.

    You’re 18. You’re allowed to have some fun without always worrying about “being the best version of yourself”. Also, you can date while studying, if you legitimately want it and make an effort. And there are plenty of extroverted people with introverted partners, so just because she likes to party doesn’t mean she’s looking down on you for not liking it; hell, it would probably do you good to go to 1-2 parties with her and have fun for a bit.

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