My girlfriend just cried during sex while she was orgasming. I pointed it out to her while I was giving her a breather. I’ve never have made any girl cry during sex so my first thought was, “oh god this is bad” but she said “don’t worry not bad tears at all” does anyone have any thoughts as to why tears were coming out? Can orgasms be that intense?? Anyone ever experience this before? What caused it? Just a really good orgasm? Lol

  1. A ton of hormones are released during an orgasm. It can be emotional.


    Or she was crying tears of joy she can finally stop faking them.

  2. Definitely a really good orgasm. It’s happened to me a few times, if I’m really relaxed and my partner is making me feel really good.. my orgasms will be super intense and I just get overwhelmed with emotion and I can’t help but cry. It’s never sadness, it’s just the body’s way of expressing that flood of emotions

  3. I have made my partner cry a couple times. Freaked me out the first time. I was going really hard and I felt her orgasm bit than crying. The problem is she can not talk when she is close to orgasm and higher so I tried to check in her but she could not say anything but then I noticed her smile and knew she was OK. It took her an hour to be able to propespeak to me.

    Put this in the plus section of your relationship and talk about it with her.

  4. Definitely can attest that an intense orgasm brings on a wave of different emotions. I’m a cismale and after a big orgasm I actually start laughing uncontrollably

  5. For me, it’s never emotional. My body just naturally produces tears when I can barely handle the intensity of the orgasm

  6. I’ve cried once while orgasming. It was like heaven, I love this and so much and am so lucky to have him.

  7. Yes it can be normal to have an emotional release after a physical release

  8. My wife always cry after sex , its ok , but sometimes trauma or bad things can get out of your system like that (or not at all keep in mind ) . Its can be a good thing to check aftercare, its usually for BDSM , but its great to calm my wife after a big O + long day at work combo .

  9. My gf have done it alot of times, and she says its a the hormones,
    And alot of my female friends says it happends them as well time to time.

  10. My girlfriend does this sometimes too, she can’t explain it either but she told me that there’s no bad feelings at all. Freaked me out the first time because I thought I hurt her or that she had some kind of trauma, but now I just hug her until she can communicate again lol

  11. Also a heads up: Laughing is also possible. Had girls cry 1 time and laugh 2 times – this is also very much possible for a dude, btw. Happend to me 2 times as well.


    It’s just a really good orgasm. It happens more frequently when there is a lot going on (emotionally) in that persons life in general 🙂

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