Hi everyone. I have been talking to this girl for 3 months now. We have been going on dates regularly. Yesterday, we made out and it was very romantic. I think I have started developing feelings for her. We have been talking alot and we both keep saying that we genuinely like each other. However, I want to be in a proper commited relationship with her. But I think she’s not ready for it because of her previous relationship. She just broke up 4 months ago and it was a very hurtful breakup. I want commitment because I have really developed feelings for her and I don’t just wanna be a rebound for her. What should I do? Shall I tell her I love her or ask her for commitment directly? And what should I exactly ask? I’m very nervous and anxious.

  1. You should tell her. If she is not over her ex then she is a bad person because she shouldn’t have started dating someone else if she isn’t over her past relationship. Your feelings matter too, not just hers. For all you know though, she may be feeling the same way as you and also wanting commitment. Just tell her how you feel and what you want.

  2. Do NOT tell her under any circumstances that you “Love” her! If she’s not sure about you, she will lose interest immediately. Let her talk about her intentions first. Also you might consider dating someone else in case it doesn’t work out. If the breakup was painful for her, the dude will regularly appear in her mind for the longest time. Make some space, and lay some breadcrumbs for her instead.

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