I recently just got my first job ever. I keep looking forward to work on my days off, and I try to pick up shifts whenever possible. I mean I love
my job, but I also realised that part of it is because I don’t have any friends. On my off days, I do nothing. I don’t like watching tv and idk what else to do. I usually go for walks when I have a day off but I take it too far and end up walking like 22 miles. I can’t stand staying at home doing nothing and staring at the walls. What can I do in order to improve my social life?

  1. Same like me. Except for I fucking hate my job. I do practise guitar on my free time and also play video game

  2. Congrats on starting a job!

    If you have some disposable income, join a skill or hobby class that meets weekly like art, sports, dance or music. You’ll learn a new skill that you can practice at home to give you something to do, meet more people and having an activity to focus on makes it much easier to socialise because there are obvious topics and having a conversation pause is acceptable if you get caught up in the activity.

    You could also try volunteering, which will widen your social circle too.

    You could take your long walk and join a local hiking group. They tend to meet less frequently so it’s a less overwhelming and you can walk with other people and talk if you wish or stay focussed on the track.

  3. If there’s anyone at work you remotely think you could be friends with, ask if they’d like to hang out on a mutual day off. Also, if you live in a city, find a local bar that has something going on– karaoke, pool table, trivia night, whatever– and go on a regular basis. You don’t even have to drink. You’ll start seeing the same faces and you can get to know the other people. You can also look into finding a place to volunteer with. Also this might sound ridiculous, but you can try online dating apps like okcupid or tinder. Don’t put that you’re looking for friendship, but just hang out with anyone you match with and you might find that you guys make good friends. I’ve met friends of friends who have met that way. You can also try reconnecting with old friends.

    Also, remember that you are young and this is all temporary. I saw from your reddit profile that you are studying to become a nurse. You will make PLENTY of friends in this field. It just takes time. Once you get your license and a few years experience under your belt you can move to a bigger city with more things going on and more people looking for friends. Also, maybe you can make friends with some of your fellow nursing students? I would try to find a study group or something like that. Good luck.

    ETA: I just reread your post from another thread. I’m sorry you’re having such a tough time with friendships right now :/ but tbh I think you might get along better with people who are older than you. So you can either try to find older people to hang out with or focus on yourself and wait for your peers to catch up with you.

  4. Same but I work 11-12 hours a day so I don’t have the time. On Sunday I’m busy sleeping because I’m usually tired throughout the week.

  5. If you don’t mind me asking, what job do you love so much that you actually look forward to going to it? That sounds like a dream

  6. Most events, businesses, shows, etc are usually promoted pretty heavily on Facebook. So Facebook is a pretty good way of keeping track of the “pulse” of the social life in your area.

  7. Well if you like your job that much then it isn’t so bad to work a lot, if that makes you happy. If you want to find friends in other places then it’s better to plan some time trying out a new hobby.

  8. Same as u but idon ‘t get out if my f ing house and also i play most of my games offline . So yeah . Keep going and make some friends from social media . U know ididn’t realise that till now. But yeah keep going.

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