Ive been talking to this guy since december. We were in HS together but didnt really interact (+ he’s been in long-term relationships during HS and after). During these months we didnt really talk on the daily basis but had once in a while longer and deeper convos. We’ve made plans to see each other but they never really lined up, until like 2 days before he left for a work and travel program. We went out for a coffee and talked for hours and i thought we were clicking really well. He brought me home and tbh i was expecting him to kiss me goodbye (which i would have taken as reassurance) or something but he just hugged me. Later that night he told me he had a good time and time and is hoping we’ll go out again when he comes back. Here’s my issue: the problem i had was the fact that he didn’t really put an effort into checking up on me more often. he was the one that actually acknowledged that he was wrong and said smth along the lines of “even if i was busy i should have asked how are you once in a while”. he’s been gone for 3 months and ,even though we managed to talk pretty often during the first weeks, there’s periods when he doesn’t even bother to check up on me. I get that my problem is pretty stupid but i’d still like to know your opinion his thought process.

  1. Mixed signals are a no if someone likes you they will make it known through their actions before their words

  2. Stop putting all your eggs in one basket. You need to learn different types of people instead of assuming he needs to be everything

  3. You’ve been talking to someone for over half a year and it hasn’t gotten serious… you are wasting your time here. Please move on, nothing is gonna happen with this guy.

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