I hate when people “tidy” or “clean” my things. If I have guests over and they offer to do the dishes, please accept it when I decline.

  1. If I say i’m in a mood, it means leave me alone, not come and keep asking every 5 mins if i’m okay, I also don’t want to go out around people and no just cheering up will not make me feel better


    Oh and also just because i think your in the wrong is not because my depression is playing up, you can just be an arse sometimes.

  2. Small talk in the morning at work. I understand you’re being social and nice to me but kindly never talk to me ever about menial shit

  3. “ThOuGhTs AnD pRaYeRs”

    Keep your unhelpful voodoo BS away from my comment sections *Karen*.

  4. Texting me for no reason.

    Small talk just to fill the silence.

    Birthday wishes.

    Drivers stopping just to let me through the street.

  5. My roommates always want to hang out in my room. They’re the nicest people in the world and big extroverts but just don’t understand I need space.

  6. That fake sincerity bs that so many women do, it’s more to feed her own ego. It’s patronizing more than anything else.

  7. People saying things like “it will happen someday”, “you’ll find someone”, “it will happen when you least expect it”, “once you stop looking for it, they will find you” when they find out I’m still single, and when they give out the same old worn-out cookie cutter ‘advice’ or ask me the same questions I’ve been asked a thousand times, based on the same stereotypical ideas of what ‘an old bachelor’ must be like. Yes, I’m going to the gym. No, I’m not overweight. Yes, I do go out and meet new people. No, I don’t only want to date supermodels. Yes, I take a shower every day. Then they get offended when I tell them that they’re not being helpful.

  8. People wanting me to open up, tell them personal details or things like that when we don’t really know each other. If I don’t feel comfortable talking to you about such subjects, stop asking. Doesn’t happen too often but enough to irritate me. I feel like they do it for themselves, they don’t really care what I say.

  9. If you send me a text that is literally just “hey”, I could do without that personally.

    I get wanting to check in, but “Hey, just thinking about you. How are you doing?” or something along those lines sends the same message without leaving me wondering your true intentions.

  10. white women sticking up for me (person of color). y’all are one of our biggest problems foh acting like a savior

  11. Whenever someone tells me I’m too young to know I don’t want kids, or I haven’t met the right girl to “change my mind”

    1) I’m an adult capable of making my own life choices. Many people my age have or want kids and nobody says shit to them

    2) the right girl (or guy) won’t want kids either

  12. Basically aall the dating advice I got when I was young, which turns out to have been pretty much 100% bollocks.

  13. People stirring my food when I’m cooking

    There’s nothing else in the world that gets me so irrationally angry than people touching ng my food when I’m cooking

    I was making Christmas dinner last year and came the closest I’ve been to hitting a mate when he was just hovering around touching food in the kitchen

  14. When people volunteer me for things. I can go from “your best friend” to “spawn of satan” at a drop of a hat.

  15. People trying to wave me through an intersection when it’s clearly their right of way.

  16. People saying “oh you’re on a diet?, you should try this one instead” and continue giving tips to lose weight, like why did I care going to three different doctors to get treatment if I had you?

  17. I fucking despise it when someone stops to let me go when they have the right of way.

    I fucking hate it.

    I’m waiting for you to go. You’re supposed to go. I don’t want to go before you, I want to follow the established rules of traffic.

    I shouldn’t have to think about who goes first when there’s already laws deciding who goes first to maximize efficiency and safety for everyone.

  18. When people give me water/soda/juice/etc…

    I know it’s a custom and it’s to be a good host, but I find it invasive, both doing it and receiving it.

    I still remember how my dad got irrationally angry when I asked people what they wanted (offering a selection of drinks) instead of just serving a pre-chosen drink based on age/sex.

    It wasn’t until he accidentally gave Coca Cola to a woman who was coming from the doctor because she had diabetes AND offered booze to a recovering alcoholic (who almost got an episode thanks to my dad insistence) that he started asking what people want in their glasses

  19. When people “check their privilege.”

    It’s like…. maybe that helped a handful of pissed off teenagers on Twitter a few years ago….but hearing someone brag essentially about themselves and say “I can’t understand having your problems, or empathize with you” has never made me feel better *at all*. In fact, it pisses me off.

  20. People stoping their car to let you cross the road even though they clearly had priority. The confusion itself plus the time I actually take to make sure you’re letting me go made it longer than if you’ve had just ignored me.

  21. People saying “sorry” after _choosing_ to squeeze through and inconvenience/stop me.

    Edit: on hindsight I guess the sorry is more of a “please don’t be mad at me” than a genuine well-intended sorry.

  22. People asking repeateadly if you are okay, even though you answered the truth the first time. First question is appreciated, 2-3 is still good, but starts to be a little bit uncomfortable, 4+ starts to feel as if they need you to be bad or uncomfortable and gets somewhat patronizing

  23. When I was crying and telling my abusive dad all the things he did that destroyed me and my siblings growing up. He said “you need to let go of your anger… it’s not healthy. I’ve moved forward and I feel great. You should really let that stuff go” 😂😂 I don’t even know how “well intentioned” it was but I believe he’s crazy enough to think it was

  24. My parents micro-managing me. I get that they are just trying to help, but it’s annoying and wrecks my mental state.

  25. If I say No, I mean No. Asking repeatedly won’t change my mind.

    I discovered this when I went on dialysis & had a fluid restriction of 1 litre a day. Believe me, that soon goes, especially on a hot day.

    I’ve kept the same position, 22 years with a working transplant. Husband still doesn’t get it lol

  26. That fake rapport people try to build with you right before asking for a favor. It’s one of those golden vs platinum rule things. Maybe a lot of people want their ass kissed. Personally, I respect a more straight forward approach where you just come out and say what you need, don’t pretend we’re chums

    Edit: misspelling fix

  27. Saying “We’ll have to meet up sometime” or similar, when there’s no intention to.

    Was in a big bike ride in another state and saw a rider with a jersey from a ride that was in my home city. I struck up a convo with him for about 5 mins and then we went on our separate ways, but he had to end it with “well, next time you’re riding in my city we’ll have to meet up” nah dude, we won’t.

  28. When I’m cycling and approach a stop, people in their cars who stay extra long at the stop to try and “let me go”.

    Like please, I’m following traffic laws and would prefer not to have you on my ass anyway after going through the intersection.

    When cars do not follow traffic laws to be “courteous” you are putting the cyclists life in danger because now we’re focused on the dumbass who won’t go through the intersection *even as I’ve been waving you to go as I approach the intersection from 30+ yards away seeing you sitting there.*

    Come to a complete stop and follow the order of who got to the intersection first.

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