I have an older brother (he’s 40, me 34) who I think I finally have to cut off. Him and my dad haven’t talked for a year over a petty argument he started about a table. I’ve stayed out of it though I’ve been pissed off cause who needs this BS in their lives? Now this past weekend he decided to sock a family friend over something clumsy he did on our vacation (I was not there for this but I know him well enough to know what happened). I’ve had numerous altercations with him in the past and he’s NEVER EVER EVER apologized to anyone for anything. He’s a manchild and his wife isn’t much better (she brought her son a bag of sour patch kids this weekend and when our girls asked for some, she said they weren’t for them). My wife and I have tried to show them some grace, people aren’t perfect but it’s abundantly obvious he has issues that he needs to get resolved. It stinks because we have have kids that are the same age and my mom knows he’s a problem but tries to go along to get along so that we can all be together for things. My thought is I’m just going to try to avoid him and not invite them to things. I’ll tell my mom these are my terms and if he wants things to change he needs to get help cause he needs it and will be better off but he might just tell her to tell me to go f**k myself. Am I making any miscalculations? Are these not my battles or at some point do I say enough of this shit, me, my wife, and daughters don’t need to be around you.

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