How much did you grow after 17?

  1. Very much physically, i looked like shit back then but now I am very much improved compared to that and still growing!

  2. I got a little taller, me penis grew a little more and i gained more weight till i stopped working out, i just kind of maintain what i have, no longer interested in building more

  3. An inch at most, but I think that really came from losing the 60lbs that I grew after 17.

  4. Haven’t grown since 14 but seeing as I was 6ft at 14, it’s not really a problem

  5. I’m reasonably certain I stopped growing by 15, both in height and downstairs. Got screwed in both departments too.

  6. I went from about 5’6 – 5’7 to 6’1.25. Didn’t expect to grow since my dad’s 5’7.

  7. In what regard… height? At 17 I was about 6 foot 2 by 19 I was 6 foot 4. At 22 I was 6 foot 6. (I’m about 6 foot 5 now).

    Weight at 17 I was 185-190. I’m around 245 now.

    As a person not at all.

  8. I didn’t, I started to grow up in my mid to late 20s.

    At 31 I’m probably halfway there

  9. I didn’t grow past 17. I went from 5’8” to 6’4” throughout high school. Weiner stopped growing around then too at 8.5”.

  10. I think I grew maybe one inch from then until 18. Also I’m 55 pounds heavier now at 29.

  11. Probably another inch height-wise. My muscle mass grew substantially after 25 when I focused on exercising and weight lifting. Pretty sure my penis length grew in my early 20s as well 🙂

  12. well i’m 18. pretty sure i’m done growing. height has been the same since 16. i’ve only gained a few pounds but that’s cause i been eating a little extra this past month. overall i’m just the same

  13. Mentally, about negative 2/3 years. Physically, not at all, if anything I lost quite a bit of muscle mass due to a more sedentary lifestyle.

  14. I was like 5,9 until 19, then grow to 6,2 in the space of like a month. I was away at uni at the time and lost weight too so when I went home all I got is.. you’ve changed..

  15. The summer between grade 11 & 12 I grew around 6 inches to 6’1”. Didn’t really measure myself again until I came back from my first year of uni, where I was 6’3”. I stand a little over 6’3.5” at 24 bow

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