Background: I got 2, a kitten combo, and was ready to leave it at that. I work a lot so I didn’t want to leave one alone and bored all the time. Then a few years later I found a stray and tried to get her adopted but ended up being a foster fail. I had a boyfriend that whole time so I never thought about dating. Then I ended things and realized that not everyone like cats and definitely not 3.

Other than that I’m not insecure about dating at all. In fact I quite enjoy it. And the cat thing has never come up as an issue to my face but I wonder, is this a potential turn off for guys?

  1. I’m highly allergic so I probably wouldn’t date a woman with one cat, but you do you. If cats bring you happiness get a 4th one.

  2. No. For a plethora of reasons but also because my dog would kill them. We could never share a space.

  3. At this point as a person that doesn’t like cats I don’t let cats steer me away I already don’t get many dates because of how hard it to keep a woman interested and wanting to meet you. My only issue will be if her living space reeks of cats smells.

  4. As long as things are cleaned regularly, I don’t see why it would be. For me, though, there would be some problems, like my family having allergies to cats and having a giant idiot dog that thinks he is the same size as cats in the neighborhood. He has some cat buddies, though, so if they all get along, I’m sure even that would be fine?

  5. I have 2 cats and the answer to your question is yes, because then I would have 5 cats. Cats, cats, cats. Cats!

  6. I have cats, 2 “inside” cats, they go outside a lot, and anywhere from 6- 20 “outside cats” There was a cute kitty out there once and I fed it. 10 years later the neighbor hood gang knows when I feed. I also have 2 dogs. That being said I was scared to death to start dating. I am the neighborhood crazy cat lady. Thank goodness I don’t let them in. But I found a guy. He knows the situation and knows I don’t like it but I also can’t let them be out there crying hungry. Hopefully soon the humane society will help me out. With inflation the cat food bill is getting out of hand.

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