For whatever reason; maybe I just read a comment somewhere else and not it stuck in my head. I am starting to wonder if I should feel ashamed or vain because maybe I changed my body for the wrong reasons even though I love my body and I am happy why I did it. It just feels kind of gross when people ask “why did you get fit” or “why did you get your boobs done” and I answer “it’s what my husband and I like.”

After my sexual awakening started I began to desire to make certain changes to my body that I for some reason would make sex better. I don’t know the root of this desire and maybe that’s why I feel insecure about it. I made sure to factor in my husbands desires as well which I am sure is something many people find gross. But my husband and I found out we were essentially on the same page as far as what we would enjoy sexually.

Over the past couple years I worked very hard building my figure and watching what I eat (sometimes). I have had implants, laser hair removal, nipple piercings, and a VCH piercing. It turns out that the body I wanted and the body I built is essentially the kind of instagram slash camgirl body and I love it. But I cannot seem to shake the feeling that I should be ashamed because that’s what I wanted, or gross because I factored in what my husband wanted, or vain because I enjoy sex so much more but there is no objective reason that should be the case.

  1. If that’s what you want to do then don’t feel ashamed it’s your choice. Don’t worry about what people tell you. If you love your body the way it is then you do what you want to do

  2. Stop worrying about what other people think. It’s none of their business.
    Do what’s right for you and your family.

  3. It’s >>YOUR<< body. You live one time. Do what makes you happy.

    Years ago, my wife wanted a boob job. I opposed it – it was expensive, I was attracted to her anyway. But I realized that it was important to her, so we got it. It was a huge boost to her self image and self esteem.

    This previous year, she needed abdominal surgery, and we ended up adding a tummy tuck while they were at it. Again, a huge boost to her self esteem, which is worth any amount of money.

    Don’t worry what other people think. If you are happy, if your partner is happy – that’s fantastic.

  4. Who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks, including us? šŸ˜† The only two in your bedroom are you in your husband. And that means there’s only two people whose opinions matter.

  5. If you two are happy, that is all that matters.

    Unless these others are joining you in the relationship or bedroom, their opinions mean exactly -0-.

  6. That’s body positivity gone wrong.

    Some people twist body positivity into “you HAVE TO love your body the way it is”, “Instagram bodies are fake so it’s okay to trash talk about it”, “REAL women look like this”, “only THIS type of bodies is realistic.”

    Don’t let that get to you. Do what makes you feel good.

  7. That’s body positivity gone wrong.

    Some people twist body positivity into “you HAVE TO love your body the way it is”, “Instagram bodies are fake so it’s okay to trash talk about it”, “REAL women look like this”, “only THIS type of bodies is realistic.”

    Don’t let any of that get to you. Do what makes you feel good.

  8. So your telling me it’s vain to say I go to the gym so I could fuck good.
    You know the stamina, the strength, and most importantly the KNEES

  9. ā€œI wanted to look good naked.ā€ Is practically a cliche. What youā€™re talking about is IMO just on that continuum.

    I donā€™t want to have a heart attack carrying boxes up stairs, so thatā€™s a good, publicly acceptable reason to do cardio. But itā€™s not a flight of steps that Iā€™m really worried about. 19 year old boys may tell you that dying in flagrante is the best way to go, but thatā€™s the answer of someone who doesnā€™t care about their partner and the nearly inevitable case of PTSD that would cause. I mean, can you imagine being the other person? Maybe I should work out moreā€¦

  10. Sounds like a good reason to me. Get fit and attractive for a better sex life? Is there a better reason? I canā€™t think of one. šŸ˜

  11. The thing is, if people ask, you are not required to share the entire truth, unless you want to. You can reference your wishes and leave your husband out of, it you want to.

    I donā€™t think you should feel vain or ashamed for any choice you make. The thing is you made the choice and took action. Your motivation and reasons are your own.

  12. Do you like it? Does your husband like it? If yes is the answer to both these questions, then that’s all that matters.

    If people ask, just say it makes you feel confident or don’t tell them anything. They’re not entitled to an answer.

  13. Fuck yeah good for you. You get yours and everyone else can get fucked the way they want.

  14. There’s no real right reason in other people’s eyes you did what wanted for your own reason if you like your body the way it is thats all you need

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