What do you like about your job?

  1. that i get to do things according to my own schedule, I’m a stay at home wife/mom to be and i can do whatever i want, whenever

  2. That I get to play with shiny diamonds all I want! And for my other job I love that I have very nice customers and have the career I dreamed of as a child.

    I sell vintage jewelry in my small business, which is my main job. My side job is as a sportswear designer and the company I work for is a supplier so I help other sports brands create clothes.

  3. I’m very organised, I love filling appointmwnt slots and fitting people to the best times, and my knowledge of fashion helps me fit the right stylist to the client

  4. I work in an internal role so I never need to talk to customers. I work from home with my dogs as my office mates. I have solid benefits and can pay my bills. I set my own appointments so if I need to go to the doctor I can just go without asking. And for the most part I enjoy the work I do, I work with a lot of good people.

  5. I get to travel the world, I get to fly for free or buy cheap tickets, I get good hotel and rental car rates, I get as much time off as I want.

  6. I like working from home, I like my coworker and boss, I like the flexibility my boss gives me in general, I like the benefits (vacation time especially lol), and little perks like travel and gift bags from events.

    I just went to a makeup guild event a while ago and the gift bags were *awesome* lol.

  7. The money, literally being able to see what I accomplished, the feeling of physical exhaustion at the end of a good and hard day helping my sleep, and honestly it’s just super fun.

  8. Helping others. Could be a patient or their family and friends. Could be a co-worker. Its rewarding.

  9. It’s a 10 minute walk, I’m paid fairly considering how easy it is, and my coworkers are really nice.

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