What is the best fruit for vanilla ice cream?

  1. Peaches or strawberries. If you can get good quality either works well. But not cooked.

  2. Blackberries. The slight bitter tang they have compliments the sweetness of the ice cream, just *chefs kiss*.

  3. Soo I love eating vanilla ice cream with cherry, banana, raspberry, kiwi and grapes for me those are the best 💖

  4. If I want something really fancy and decadent, I’ll use Luxardo cherries. If it’s the season, I like strawberries that have been sugared to bring out their juices.

  5. tinned peaches. my gran used to offer them to us with our ice cream when i was a lil kid. best part of the meal.

  6. I personally recommend stewed apples seasoned with cinnamon, nutmeg and clove (or whatever other seasonings you like)

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