What’s the worst superhero movie ever made?

  1. I’ll go with, DC Civil War,

    **BM**: I hate you,

    **SM**: No, I hate you.

    **BM**: I am going to kill you.

    **SM**: Not if I kill you first.

    **BM:** That would sure upset my mother, Martha

    **SM:** Wait, you’re mom’s name is “Martha”?

    **BM**: Yes, and your mom’s name is “Martha”?

    **SM**: Yes, we should be BFF’s

    **BM**: OMG YES. 🖤🖤🖤

  2. With the modern ubiquity of Superhero movies, most people have no idea just how awful Superman IV truly was.

  3. I Wasn’t impressed at all with Wonder Woman 2. Was so disappointing compared to the 1st film

  4. I don’t think it got a theatrical release, but the worst Comic Book Movie of all time, hands down, is Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, with David Hasselhoff in all his scenery chewing glory.

    And the truly sad thing about Nick Fury: Agent of Shield is that it is quite possibly the most comic accurate version of the original Nick Fury shield series we’re ever likely to get.

  5. Fantastic Four by Roger Corman (1994). It’s unreleased, but there are copies out.


  6. Man, if someone’s saying Batman vs Superman, Thor 2, Wonder Woman 2, or something like that… they’ve never seen an actual bad superhero movie.

    Even Suicide Squad looks competent compared to Blankman, Meteor Man, or Superman 4 – and those are astoundingly good when compared to the unreleased stuff like the ’97 Justice League of America or the ’94 Fantastic Four film.

    And those still aren’t the worst ones ever made, just the worst ones I know about.

  7. Is spawn considered a superhero? Anti hero? Whatever, that’s what I’m going with. Spawn is not only the worst superhero/antihero movie ever made, it’s also just the worst movie ever made in general. Gave me a massive migraine

  8. Come on, nothing made in the last 10 years could ever qualify as the WORST superhero movie ever made. This is the golden age of the genre. There’s too much competition now to allow the release of *true* Shite.

    You kids need to look further back to see how bad things Used To Be. Examples.: The Phantom (with Billy Zane of Titanic fame, made less than half of its cost back at the box office) The Shadow with Alec Baldwin (fell asleep while watching). The 1990 Captain America with Matt Salinger as the title character (guy from Revenge of the Nerds, he is J.D. Salinger’s son and exactly what you’d expect a superhero NOT to look like), or probably even worse the 1979 version (his costume looked like Evel Kneivel’s) Superman III, IV, Shaq’s portrayal of Steel, the 3rd or 4th Batman where George Clooney wore the infamous “Nipple Suit” (it must have always been chilly in the soundstage) and Alicia Silverstone as the pudgy Batgirl who seemed like she was on Xanax, and the hilarious Dance/Fight scene with the fluorescent-painted villains under UV light (because of course Gotham would have UV streetlights), but hands down the worst, and one of my choices for worst movies of ALL TIME, The Spirit. Before viewing it I had never paused a movie before and asked the other people in the room “Does anyone understand what the F*CK is going on here?”

  9. The Spirit needs to be added to this list.

    It had potential because of the way it was filmed, like Sin City, but the execution was God awful.

    I also have to add the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but despite that, it’s still a guilty pleasure movie for me. So I reluctantly add it to this list.

  10. All you guys talking about recent movies don’t know how bad a superhero movie can be.

    Even The Green Lantern and Fant4stic are cinematic masterpieces compared to Superman 4 and that Captain America movie from the 90s.

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