So we met in high school band, 15 years ago. He dated another girl in my section and never looked twice at me.

We met again 4 years ago and made out at a club while we were both sober. He was into me then, and I might have reciprocated, but I had a lot going on and it didn’t work out.

I met him again last weekend. We went on a camping trip with some mutual friends and ended up making out, holding hands, kissing each other’s faces. I worked up the nerve to tell him that I’m interested in dating him, and he seemed to enthusiastically agree.

But now in the cold light of home he isn’t texting me, and I can’t figure out if he’s trying to play it cool or just isn’t as interested as he seemed over the weekend.

Do I talk to him? Do I wait for him to talk to me? What are some good topics of conversation?

I really like him. I really want this to work out.

1 comment
  1. talk to him!! ask him literally anything. you could even invite him for coffee/drinks/whatever.
    if he truly is interested, he’ll for sure text you back no matter what random nonsense you texted him; if not, then there’s your answer.
    i say don’t wait for him to text you, you’ll just be overthinking and stressing over things til then – this way you might get your answer sooner and get some peace too 🙂

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