I have been speaking to a girl from Tinder for a couple of days and it seems to be going well. We are supposed to be meeting on Saturday. During conversation over the couple days, it’s come up that she loves the colour orange and also stegosauruses.. so I was going to buy her an orange stegosaurus plushie. It’s not expensive or a massive gesture and I felt it would be nice to do, whether the date goes well or not.

Is this too much for a first date?

  1. I’d say do it. Make sure it’s small though and only give it to her if you feel like things are going well

  2. You going to be upset if you get her that and then she isn’t in to you and calls it quits?

    If the answer is yes, then don’t fucking do it.

  3. Personally I avoid giving gifts to women I barely know. Just keep that in mind and if you’ve gone out with her for more than a couple months, then you can get her that as a spontaneous gift.

  4. OP that’s real sweet but I think you should wait until a second/third date to give something like that, some girls would freak out receiving something on the first date, sincerely, a girl who had been on a dozen first dates

  5. Yeah see how the first date goes first and then gauge whether you think she would appreciate a gift after that! Some women can find this a bit needy. My ex boyfriend bought me gifts all the time and it made me cringe a bit. I’m also and adult and I have no use for plushy toys (totally depends on the recipient of the gift but that’s just me – if she’s a bit of a nerdthen who knows she might love a plushie)

    Maybe you could buy her a little stegosaurus pin badge instead? Or something else she can actually use?

  6. At the end of the day it’s your choice but honestly on a first date bringing a gift is kind of an awkward exchange for a lot of people, I brought chocolates to a couple first dates I went on (before I knew better) and I was thanked but it did make the girls a bit nervous and put-off.

    Better to just offer to pay for dinner or drinks then make a gesture on the second or third date if things go well.

  7. As a woman, I say no because that’s too soon. A second or third date would be better

  8. First dates should be for you to know the person and determine whether there is chemistry.
    I do first dates mon-thurs and keep it simple, just a coffee/drink, 1-2 hours chat and good bye.
    Sometimes when there’s a lot of chemistry, you can propose something else that same day.

  9. Don’t do that. You’re going to put her in an awkward position if you do that and she doesn’t like you all that much, cause then it will be harder for her to let you down gently and not feel bad.

  10. Yes, it’s too much. Makes you look like you haven’t been on a date in years and are overly eager to make this work, even though you haven’t talked yet face to face.

    Chill, and see whether you actually like her in real life

  11. Don’t buy a gift for the first date, especially for a date from Tinder LOL.

    But seriously, don’t do it. Especially as a guy, it’ll come off like you’re trying to buy her affection. See if the first date goes well. If it does, consider bringing this gift (assuming it’s not more than like $20) to the 2nd, or more preferably, 3rd date. Then it’ll come off better.

  12. it’s your choice. i have a stuffed shiba my boyfriend gave me on our first date. it excited me and made me happy. i still love it. it was clearly just a stuffed animal he owned and gave to me, so at the end of our date, i told him to wait and brought him a stuffed sloth that i liked. he still has it on his nightstand 9 months later.

  13. DO IT PLEASE. I would melt on the spot if a guy I was talking to got me that or even just a single flower, it’s the thought that counts and I think she’d absolutely love it. You’re such a kind guy rly, I mean if u don’t wanna do the plushie just get her a bouquet of flowers, or pick some lol. I know I’d feel so special if my date actually brought me flowers 😭

  14. I will tell you a story about a first date with a guy who wanted to be cute and sweet on the first date:

    We met at a bar and had a deep conversation and we were kind of drunk and he ended up calling me “yellow” because he thought my personality was yellow. We exchanged numbers (no kiss or anything) and i went home.

    He invited me on a date and i accepted.

    The date: he asked me to show up by an entrance to a park in a european city i lived in at the time. It was weekend and daytime, not creepy or scary. We met at this location and he said i had to put on some blindfolds. Like i said, daytime, lots of people out, families, children = i wasnt scared at all. I just thought it was a bit weird. Anyway i agreed.

    He led me to a spot in the park and told me to take off my blindfold. I did and i saw a picnic setup with a blanket and some pillows and fruit. So cute. But then he asked me to turn around. I did and i was chocked…. there was a full dining-setup table with white table cloth, candle lights, 3 different wine classes, 2 sets of cutlery, flowers, pillows and a waiter (his cousin!!) and he had prepared this 3 course meal AND there was a present and it was a colouring book and lots of pencils in different kinds of yellow……………….. i mean yeah we had a deep conversation that night we were drunk but when i showed up for the date we were both sober and it was just weird….. never saw him again depsite him trying tracking me down lol.

    I know this isn’t what you want to do with her but please, keep it as chill as possible for the first date and if you want to make it special, invite her to a fancy restaurant and pay the bill to show you are serious but buying her gifts is just too soon…

  15. Besides cost I’d say size is important. If it’s something she can put in her purse, you might be okay. If it’s something she has to carry around separately all evening, that’s gonna be physically awkward, and like a bit like maybe you think you’re making your territory, like it’s not for her to enjoy, but for others to see that she’s yours now, and *that* is way too much for a first date.

  16. A gift on the first date is obsequious & insincere. It can’t be a genuine sign of your appreciation for her because you haven’t actually met or felt each other out.

    Flowers are fine cause it’s just a general gesture of intent to take shit seriously or court or whatever. An actual personalized gift is overstepping

  17. Most people here say no but honestly it depends on the woman. My friend likes getting little gifts like this on the first date 🤷‍♂️

  18. This is a big swing for sure but if you also know she’s a romantic person who appreciates surprises and gifts it could go over well, just don’t expect anything in return for it if you do this.

    If you aren’t sure how she feels about gifts and romance in general yet though I’d recommend waiting for the second date. You’ll have a better sense of what makes her smile after a first date.

  19. I had a man bring me chocolates on the first date. It was a wonderful surprise. I say do it lol

  20. Seems like a nice gesture, just keep in mind the possibility of her not interested in seeing you again and being okay with that (not bc of the gift but just generally if she’s not into you)

  21. my current partner brought me a silk scarf that was my favourite colour on our first date, i found the gesture to be romantic and adorable. and we’re still together

  22. I (F) went on a date with a guy who was in a sling from shoulder surgery. He had slipped in his shower and tore something in his shoulder trying to catch his fall.

    When we met up for coffee, I gifted him a shower mat.

  23. I had to say this because this is the cutest thing I’ve seen on here in awhile, but sometimes when someone love bombs and is too affectionate on the first date it can be a red flag. First date is more like an interview, if you even like this person to begin with

  24. I saw the headline and thought, “no.” Then I changed my mind slightly on the details.

    A plushie feels a little overly personal or intimate to me for a first date. I’m sure if Tinder girl is really into you and has a certain personality type it wouldn’t be seen as weird to her but it just feels like a little bit too much.

    THAT SAID, I think if you presented her with a cheap plastic toy orange stegosaurus it would play a little differently, because it still shows that you were paying attention but also didn’t spend too much and it can be played off as more of a joke. Plus if you guys go anywhere she can still treasure it.

    Anyway, just my $0.02.

  25. One of the only guys to sweep me off my feet gave me a gift on our first date. We were walking on Park Ave and I remarked how pretty the tulips were. So he just bent down and pulled out a bunch of tulips from the ground and gave them to me. I thought he was completely insane, and then we heard from behind us: HEY, WTF ARE YOU DOING?

    We turn, it’s a horse cop, and the guy just grabbed my arm and said, oh shit let’s go.

    So, giggling, we run away through a no cross light dodging cabs and bicycles. Both my heels snapped and he carried me the rest of the way home because he didn’t want me to walk barefoot.

    Then we had amazing sex, I started dating him, considered a serious relationship with him, told him that, and found out he’s married.

  26. I think it’s a cute gesture and personally I would be happy to receive such a small and thoughtful gift for the first date. It shows that you care and remembered my likes and dislikes.

    Recently I went on a first date too and this time it was me who gave my date something small but thoughtful and I could see his face light up and he loved it. He was very surprised but happy I remembered something he likes and he probably hasn’t received gifts often from first dates. I made a good first impression and he’s asked for a second date.

    I would say just go for it and make a lasting impression. But also bring a bag where she can put the plushie in during the date because maybe she doesn’t want to carry it for everyone to see the whole time. Good luck! 🍀

  27. Rather get her a bunch of orange flowers.

    Girls love flowers, it’s not tooo intense and it’ll still show that you listened to her about liking the colour orange. Good luck dude!

  28. No gift on a first date. Pay for drinks or dinner but no actual gifts. Hold off for a bit, but squirrel the information away for later. It will show you listened and cared enough to remember.

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