In a bit of a downward spiral at the moment and looking for advice (seeing a therapist soon). How do you guys stay positive when you don’t talk to people outside of work? Weekends alone, evenings after work alone and kind of scared of dying alone.

  1. Goals help. If you’re just living day to day with nothing to work toward you’ll get depressed real quick

    What do you want out of life for yourself?

  2. Find a hobby that you enjoy doing, buy the gear and get out there and start doing it, you could also meet local groups of people doing the same hobby, outdoor adventure stuff has always been my thing. Road biking mountain climbing, skiing, motorcycling there are so many things you could start doing that don’t even require a lot of money to get started with. Just get out there and do stuff alone at first and you’ll meet people along the way!

  3. Focus on things like work.

    Meet up (App) so that I can find someone.


  4. I was in a similar situation like you, had counselling and my counselor suggested i join my local gym. It was a very good idea. I Knew nothing about gym or how the equipment worked, so looked at youtube vids for advice.
    Now if I don’t go to gym i feel down, as miss my gym mates and working out.

  5. Distractions and more distractions. Working out and sticking to the healthy lifestyle works well. I also keep upgrading my rig for simracing. It’s a real rabbit hole to lose yourself in.

  6. Cardio. You don’t have to run a marathon – just do a walk or jog for a couple of miles that takes you to a coffee shop, library, or even back home. Try to find the inner strength to get out there.

  7. play online games. mmos especially. guaranteed you will have your fill of social interactions

  8. Well it’s better to stay than with someone who is wrong and ruin your peace of mind
    You wouldn’t want to be with that person who constantly puts you in that phase where you feel like it’s better to stay alone

    You can do something creative, enjoy simple things, indulge yourself in cooking, reading etc
    You can watch movies, do a course
    Talk to family or friends over call, maybe video calls

  9. Focus on making good choices, eat healthy, stay active, work out, walks in nature. Find a hobby, read a book, develop a skill.

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