Last night my gf and I stopped off at the bar to play a little pool. There was a woman who came up to me at one point when my gf stepped away and began talking to me. I could tell by her demeanor that she was being more then just friendly, so I kept it short hoping she would leave. When my gf came back she kept walking up to our table and flirting with both of us during the game.. I could tell my gf was also kind of nervous and anxious by the interactions. We decided to leave and this woman came up to us as we were closing our tab and was saying she wanted to watch us play another game and was sad we were leaving.

Both of us agreed when we got in the car this woman was being flirtatious and kind of sexual with both is us.

My gf has told me she has had threesomes in the past I however have not. We both deeply love each other and admitted we are kind of jealous with each other, not in an unhealthy way but just to much to really be ok with a threesome right now.

I hate to admit but this woman was very attractive and I would have loved to have a threesome between them. However I have read stories about threesomes between couple on here and have read sometimes the partner gets jealous. I also hate to admit I feel selfish because I would not be ok with us bringing another man home.

  1. I too wouldn’t be okay having a 3some with my husband either. It’s a natural feeling to not want to share your partner with another. Nothing wrong with it.

  2. Jealousy is completely natural! Part of the fun it turning that into a more positive experience. Group sex in general definitely isn’t for everyone.

    >I also hate to admit I feel selfish because I would not be ok with us bringing another man home.

    I mean that’s only an issue if that’s something she wants to do. Some women don’t, some do.

  3. It’s extremely common for people to want to be shared by their partner, but not be willing to share their partner. It’s obviously not fair, but very common. I’d argue the imbalance is the main reason threesomes are as rare as they are.

    I love to share and be shared, but it’s definitely not for everyone. If one of you is the jealous type, it’s not a good idea to ask them to share the non-jealous one.

    Sex, even threesomes, should not be transactional. So having a FFM does not mean that you would be obligated to have a MFM, though it does mean that you better be ready to have a conversation about it. While “Because I just don’t want to” is technically a valid reason to not have one, I would highly recommend that you look deeper and try to figure out what it is that you don’t like about the idea of sharing her. It might not be insurmountable.

    MFMs and FFMs are a ton of fun if done correctly (I have no experience with MMFs, though I hear they’re fun too). I definitely wish more people would put in the work to overcome their jealous tendencies enough to give them an open-minded try.

    For your situation, since you both admit to being jealous types, I would not recommend pursuing a given threesome until you confident that you can come out the other side a stronger couple. Threesomes make great relationships better, but destroy most of the others.

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