Meaning how did you convince your doctors to preform the surgery? Sorry if this is all phrased weird.

  1. I didn’t have to “win a battle”. My doctor (female OBGYN) gave me my options and I chose a hysterectomy. The issue was fibroids and such heavy bleeding I had anemia.

  2. 40(F), Canadian here
    I state that as I understand that medical care can change from country to country.

    My situation was that I was only 31 yrs old and bleeding, 14 months straight, full blood clotting, two DNC’s, every birth control pill made to man, and an IUD infection, before the doctor finally agreed I needed something more. I have been having issues with my period since I started at 10 years old. Had a horrible pregnancy with my beautiful healthy 13 yr old son now.

    So as you can see here in Canada – I don’t feel like I WON anything, I had to go through months of treatment before they finally agreed…

    Good Luck tho (I am currently going through the same situation now but die to my prolapse bladder 😑)

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