As the title. She lies all the time. Always “white lies” as she calls them. This means nothing to me. A lie is a lie. She claims she’s gone with a friend to some guys flat. I’m not worried she’ll cheat but I don’t trust her word.

She was round mine this morning when i went to work. Then called to say she’s going out to some random guys flat with her friend…who her friend apparently hooked up with last night. I texted some housemates to see if she had left, I texted her friend asking where the flat is. No response from anyone.

My GF has told me where the flat is but is taking a long time in between messages. Which is unlike her. Her lies and projecting have made me so paranoid. I realise I don’t trust her and don’t think I can continue this relationship.

TL;DR I don’t trust my girlfriend. She lies all the time and has apparently gone to some random guys flat with a friend. I can’t continue.

  1. She lies and you don’t trust her. Therefore you can’t have a healthy, emotionally fulfilling relationship with her. I’m afraid it’s that simple. The ball is in your court now.

  2. What do you trust more? Your gut or your heart?

    Your gut tells you that you’re about to be hurt

    Your heart tells you that you really want to be with her

    If you trust your gut, can your heart let you stick with that decision or will you regret and keep going back to her?

    Point is – If you go with your gut, you need to stick to it! Break it off, but don’t regret and go back. Rip it off like a bandaid.

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