I (20f) have been single for 8 months now after a 3 year relationship of being cheated on, not physically, that taught me my worth and what I actually want out of a relationship.
I am on the way to buying a house in the next year and have built a good career for myself that I’ve worked hard for.
I want a man with these same qualities, good career and goals but that is respectful and gentlemanly.
I’ve been scared to date because I think men of this generation lustful and disloyal, I understand this is a stereotype I’ve created from my last relationship and others around me and if I don’t get to know people, this idea will only grow I’ll be alone forever.
I’ve been getting to know a guy (24m) for a few days who has been asking to take me out for a while now. On the 4th day of speaking, a date is planned for a week from now, he asked me my body count and my favourite sex position. Am I just being a prude for thinking this is disrespectful or this this simply flirting and getting to know eachother? I want to put myself out there but I am scared of being used for sex, and not being valued enough for everything else I bring to the table.
I keep thinking, if I was a man and a girl at 20 was telling me she’s got a good stable career, works hard, and is on the way to getting a mortgage, I’d be excited at the idea of having a girl to build with and wanting to know what her other goals are, not thinking about what position her favourite is.
It’d be good to get the opinion of guys and what it looks like when I guy is serious and interested in a relationship.

  1. No you are not. You dating someone does not entitle them to anything sexual, regardless of whether you have met or not.

  2. Its totally reasonable for someone youre dating to want to know sexual things about you before getting into bed with you. I definitely wouldnt date anyone who isnt comfortable even talking about sex.

  3. Some people have different views on this kind of stuff. Really just depends on your life experience and personality

  4. It’s 100% disrespectful for a guy to ask sexual questions before a relationship has formed. To me, this a red flag that would result in me blocking and moving on.

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