I have lived with many roommates. In other places I have been accused of being messy. I think being messy is extremely subjective. I recently moved into a shared house and I find 2 people in particular very messy. For example they leave plastic wrappers in the kitchen sink. Also we have a dishwasher but most people don’t use it and just leave dishes in the sink. Another example there is a small empty box that has been sitting near the garbage for days. Would it be easy for someone else to put it in? Sure. But out of respect I would really like people just to clean up after themselves.

What should I say or do that has the highest chance of success? I have found saying “cleanup more” is unhelpful. Each time I see a mess, however minor, should I put a picture in the group chat? Should I suggest more rules? I find the tricky bit is it’s not one specific thing I can point out but general messiness and clutter. Like we have 2 huge tables in the kitchen which they leave there stuff on when they are not there and now no one else can use it.

1 comment
  1. Maybe get a giant plastic bin and put their table stuff there. Then you have a clean table, and they have to wallow into the bin in order to find their stuff.

    I don’t think there are any magic words you can say that will change things unless you have the power to impose fines.

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