What is your favorite time of the day and why ? (^ν^)

  1. Mine is 6/7 ish am. Awaking when the sun rises when the city still sleeps. I meditate and go for a run.

    I know I sound like a boring, old person (I’m below 30), but starting the day like this is *priceless*.

  2. 7-8 am ish! I wake up early so at that point I would be done with everything that I count as tedious (commute, breakfast, shower, run etc) and can sit down and get a head start on my day. I am young enough yet that I don’t have to be responsible for other people and none of my peers are at school/work. There is a really nice peace and quiet without everyone asking questions every 15 mins.

  3. 3-4 am. I’m a night owl. Also when the stars are brightest and the world is quiet.

  4. During the summer I like twilight when the fireflies come out and the stars first appear.
    During the winter I like early mornings when my cat and I can look out at the snow when it is quiet.

  5. The evenings in summer just before sunset. Idk the sky just looks so pretty. I always go for walks then and it’s my “me” time. In the winter, I love the mornings. Like early morning. 6am. If it snows, I love getting up and just watching out the windows and enjoying the snow.

  6. 530am. I can slowly wake up while watching the sunrise with a nice hot cup of coffee before the beginning of what will most certainly be a hectic day.

  7. Between 9pm and midnight

    9-11 is usually when my husband and I have our us time, watch movies, talk about whatever, sex, etc.

    11-12 is my me time. I can relax. No one needs me for anything. No one is bothering me. I’m probably not going to hear anyone say “mom” ( if I do someone is sick). I can just drink my drink and do something online.

    Sometimes I mess up and start reading a book at like 11 and I am the type if I start a book I finish it in one sitting and usually by that point its 3 or 4 and I have a raging migraine and have to get up to start morning stuff so I try not to read anything that late at night.

  8. Night time, like around 10pm-2am. Its darker and cooler. I can enjoy watching what I want to watch. I’m more motivated to work on my writing and art. Its just nice.

  9. The moment of sunset, the sun has just dipped, the sky is pink, purple, blue, gold and all of a sudden the air is a little softer, gentler and the birds are singing goodnight.

  10. I swear it’s the time before 2, like early afternoon 11-1pm. It feels like I still have so much time, and I feel the most fresh and alive.

  11. When the sun starts to rise on a crisp summer, preferably autumn, morning.

    My neighborhood and backyard is very picturesque so seeing the light dance through the trees and seeing everything so quiet is so calming. I love having a coffee and just nature watch while it happens. You also see when people using get up to do things and leave fire work or school.

  12. Right before dawn when the stars are stll in the sky but the birds have already began to sing. The same right after the sunsets. The in between time of light and darkness.

  13. My favorite time is the early morning. I get up very early and go for a round on my cycle. There is no traffic on the road at that time, and everything is silent. There are many trees near my house, and I can see birds and flowers.

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