So I’m on the brink of making a new friend. I met them through another friend who works with them. Otherwise I would have never bothered. I see this new friend maybe once a week or every other week with our friend. So its been easy to talk just in little bits because theres a third person. But i would like to get to know them more on a personal level without our other friend. But i suck at text talking about myself and in general. I try to make an effort to kinda start a convo but they also kinda suck at talking supposedly. Im the first to say anything to them, i kinda always start the ball rolling. Like Idk what else to do. And when they do reply i dont have anything else to follow up with that sounds genuine and or about myself I feel like a robot sort of. In general im like this even with my best friend of 11 years.. She already knows everything about me and stuff but I dont really text her . we just send memes and/ or if she has news. In general i just dont talk. I wish i could be talkative and be more expressive. Idk if any of this makes sense. How the fuc to this? Ive been like this all mylife.. Unless i work and see someone everyday how do i make a friend and get to chit chatting. 😥

1 comment
  1. You can start with practicing the FORD method. It’s simple ask about Family, Occupation, Recreation, and Dreams. It’s straight forward and is a good ice breaker to get to know someone. Also practice how you ask yhe questions. Asking the same question in differeny way can help you not feel likr a broken record when talking to multiple people in one night.

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