Idk what to do at this point, I’m a 27 year old guy, good looking, not in bad shape, and I have one hell of a head on my shoulders. One of the things my mind fails to compute is how to get dates. I can’t seem to make a good profile for the life of me it seems. I can’t seem to capture myself in an attractive manner using only selfies and a tripod. Should I just bite the bullet and hire a professional photographer? I’m tired of swiping and swiping, and, nothing… I’m a good looking smart guy, and I should be out there dating people, but I can’t seem to get this whole dating thing, and my profile is obviously lacking. I’ve been in relationships before, but how they formed was under weird circumstances, never been successful on actual apps, just Facebook and stuff, which also isn’t working in my favor it seems. I assume I just need good pics that really capture the attractive guy I am, because my current pics make me look like a couch potato not gonna lie. Lmk what I should do. Thanks

  1. There are places you can post your profile to get critiques and that might help you present your best self. You might also ask a friend to help with pics if you can trust a friend with that kind of thing. If not, you can look up poses that you might look good doing

  2. That’s the grind, just keep being your best and keep at it. Persistence and patience. To make butter out of cream you just gotta keep churning, something like that. Have a great weekend mate

  3. Yes get some decent photos. Work on your Instagram too. Be active on it with good photos and give the impression you live an interesting life. Being charismatic is more attractive than being smart, so focus on improving your social skills. By default that will improve your SM and app bios.

  4. Sorry to say this but if you aren’t getting hits then you aren’t as good looking as you think you are. Online dating is mostly about looks.

  5. I’m a woman and happy to share my first impression. Private message me if you like.

  6. Why don’t you ask friends who are the gender you want to date to critique your profile? Maybe you are coming off negative? That’s feedback my friends gave me a few years ago and it was really helpful!

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