Anyone been in a situation were two people who are friends openly flirt with you while in front of each other? I work at a gym. They both come in and work out together just about every day so I see them quite often. About a month ago is when we really started interacting and the flirting began. I was talking about a work out with them one day and they went “oh we can tell you work out” while giggling as if they had already talked about it to each other.

Now every time they come to the gym they ask whoever is at the front desk if I’m in and they’ll come find me. We normally do some light flirting. They might ask what I think of their outfit or does a certain body part that they’re working on look tone. And they’ve asked to touch my muscles and things like that. And recently they’ve expressed interest of meeting up sometime.

The thing is I can’t tell if their both interested. Or if one is just wing girling for the other. I’m not sure if they’re looking to be a “package deal” or if their both interested but separately and they’re more so competing with each other.

Anyone got any ideas of how you’d proceed if you were me without messing up?

  1. Just ask them if they come as a package deal, make a joke out of it somehow lol

  2. I think they are looking to see who you will go for first. Happened to me once with two girls in my class. Either way, it could go different ways. My advice, since they are Clients of the gym you work at, I would think about it twice.. Especially that they seem to be playing a game

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